Dr. Jayasree Saranathan arrives at the timeline of Ramayana in three different ways

Prof. Oak says Ramayana happened in 14th millennium BCE, Hema and D K Hari say 5110 BCE was when Rama was born. Which is correct and why? Are there other ways to arrive at the date? In this must-see discussion, Dr. Jayasree Saranathan examines scriptures and stone carvings to arrive at the date.


  1. Very interesting! Thank you Dr.Saranathan. At least now we have thankfully progressed from questioning the very existence of Rama to debating his dates.
    As a lay person who is just very interested in our own history I do have some thoughts to share. Many of them are gleaned from the almost casual cryptic comments I heard from my grandparents to my constant questioning when they used to relate the stories of the Ramayana and Mahabharatha. Much later, in my adult years I used to try and understand what they meant. And it slowly occurred to me that the modern methodology (and perception) of Time varies from the ancient perception. The science that governed that seems quite beyond the science we use now.
    For eg:
    Ravana was an Asura and the asura life far exceeded the lifetimes of humans. So he could well have been living long before Rama appeared. In fact the Puranic Ravana as Shiva’s bhaktha and the stories associated with that precede the Ramayana time quite a bit.
    Agastya was a rishi and a siddha. As a siddha purusha he has complete control over his own existence and lifetime. In fact according to the Puranas he is still existing and is said to also become the Guru of Kalki, the last of the Dasavataras who will end this Yuga cycle.
    Rama is a human. His lifetime too is human. (Maximum around 120 years)

    You have sought to explain the dates of Agastya, Ravana with the Ramayana, which is the human avatar Rama’s story, which may not really apply. It is only when the Asuraic powers gather and coagulate in a single personality and proves a threat to the world and order that they have to be removed and they did so in the person of Ravana during Rama’s time. So it is Rama’s own date which is important and relevant in dating Ramayana.

    Secondly you made a very pertinent point on the yugas and the difference between the Divya Yuga and the dharma yuga. Yugas are concentric – from the largest circle to the smallest. We often get confused in trying to pinpoint which yuga cycle. The science of Kala (time) and it’s cycles is extremely complex in the Sanathana Dharma science.

    The tendency of contemporary historians is to explain ancient history and cultures only through the prism of contemporary methodology and it’s tools – like excavations, literature etc which by any standards is minimal evidence. Everyone ignores stories, folklore, customs and mores which are extremely important evidence which is passed down from generation to generation. You find a stone carving and spin an entire history around. Over time this spin is taken as a given and also gets into formal ‘historical’ acceptance and also into school text books! How difficult it is to make a couple of entire generations to unlearn what they have learnt! And also to dismantle the vested interests which has built around it. We contemporarians all fall into the pit of ‘This truth of this time is my truth and also THE truth for all time!’
    It would be so good if the past is also sought to be explained by taking the non-physical evidence like stories, scriptures, songs, myths, folklore and customs, all the while keeping in mind that there are ‘worlds’ which are not the same as our world, and to do it in rational and easily understandable form. I am sure it can be done.

  2. Keeping the common man guessing or confused is an age old tactic. Debates are just useless – pointless academics.

    If you’re interested in the truth then all you need to have is an open mind and open eyes.

    Capt Ajit Vadakayil has been relentless in his blogs which have now crossed 1 billion in profile viewership. This happens only when there is real content. This comes from 40 years of first hand seeing and using the triangulation method of deduction.

    If it can be established that Kalidasa is fake and therefore, his works are fake and backdated, then where is the debate.

  3. The question that always lingers in my mind, or to say always scratches my mind is that why these people like Shri Nilesh Oak, D.K. Hari, Dr. Jayashree madam and other contemporary researchers who are proud of our history, sit together to enlighten us? Why these people don’t agree to each other? Why do they keep common people always confused? Why don’t you, Iyer sir, Mishra sir, bring them together on a debate show? This will be of great help to the common people and great service to the history of or civilization!

  4. Check out the trend in the recent movies…. Most of them have caste colour…
    Media (print as well as cine ) is totally under control of missionaries and jihadists….
    They always want Tamilnadu peop

  5. First of all – Kalidasa didn’t exist. Kalidasa is a fake, backdated poet by the white invader. Therefore, Raghuvamsha is a fake book. No doubt, it was written by some Sanskrit scholar under orders of the white invader. It was then attributed to a fake Kalidasa and then backdated.

    This is the Truth.

    Same goes for inscriptions. Inscriptions were dug-in and then conveniently dug-out by the fake invader to establish a fake Ashoka too.

    This was all done to hijack Indian History. Academic historians as just that – academic.

    To read more, search in Google with : “Kalidasa Vadakayil” or “Ramayana Vadakayil” and we should stop peddling false history fed to us by the white invaders.


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