How Japan unleashed their battle against radical Islamic terrorism

How is Japan tackling the Islam problem?

Islam in Japan
Islam in Japan

Japan solves the problem

Although Islam is known as the fastest growing religion in most of the world, Japan is one of the few countries who have managed to actually solve their Islam problem. Although they have ties with several Islamic nations, the religion has been shown its place within the country. Muslims are to practice their religions within their homes and are not allowed to convert anyone to adopt the religion.

A country with 127 million residents, they shockingly has about just 10,000 Muslims. The two main reasons attributable to this curb is the prohibition on conversion and mainly the complete ban on Muslim immigrants. They are perhaps the only country in the world to have no immigrant problems.

How they did it!

At a time when immigrants are coming in huge number into several countries like Germany, France, America, Britain, Australia and other countries, Japan has completely banned Muslim immigrants. They allow a very few number of Muslim into their country, and only for business reasons.

Having said that, another important reason for the low number of Muslim immigrants in Japan is because of the employers. Employers prefer to hire only Japanese people and do not entertain Muslim immigrants. This is perhaps the reason for respect for every job there.

Others need to learn

There is almost no presence of Islam in their country. An obvious evidence of the “no Islam” attitude of Japan is that there a very few number of Mosques in Japan. In fact, there is only one Imam in whole of Tokyo. This comes as a sharp contrast to countries like India and the United Kingdom where there are over 100,000 mosques.

At a time when several countries are facing severe problems due to influx of terrorists in the guise of immigrants, countries like them sure do look like an inspiration. A lot is to be learned by the rest of the world from Japan. They are the only country to have a Muslim population of less than 0.0001% of the total population!


  1. I think Japan (contemporary), has a wise policy & the evidence is that it has worked. One problem is, there is already a great number of muslims in western countries. They have been granted a a level of rights, which their co-religionists have never granted to others in the history of Islam.

    You would have to construct a framework by which their rights are respected, but they not be allowed to render civilization into a range of feudalism with electricity & absolute savagery. That is just the result. The more people who behave like Mohammed behaved, the more the human race suffers. You can hate that it is true, but it is true. The Quran & the Hadiths bear witness to that. It as if Attila the Hun created a religion to rationalize his actions & had it mentally tattooed on the brains of his followers.

    I understand that people like monotheism & Arabia lacked their own version. After the fall of Rome, it was inevitable. Unfortunately the main who decided to co-opt it (despite his successes as a warlord) was an evil man. If you have been told since childhood to revere his evil and his plagiarism as noble and virtuous than you will. I’m sorry for the people who are born into Islam, nearly any other large religion has not been so malignant. I have heard the recitation of the whole Quran and was not impressed. It sounds like a banal combination of Leviticus and the Song of Psalms, with alot of praise for Allah & scorn for “the Jews” because they didn’t do it right.

    If that all isn’t enough, the actions of the religion & legal framework known as Islam have been devastating. It may have been an advancement for 7th century tribal Bedouins. That can be debated. It’s not the fault of muslims they are born to this culture, but the endpoint of the culture is utopian & totalitarian nightmare for humanity.

  2. What is the latest on this? Asking because wikipedia shows population of Muslims to be more than 10000.
    Are there any changes in their policy?

    • Dear Shintaro Watanabe,
      I wish you a nice day. The problem lies in here: Anyone who claims to be Muslim can not be Sunnis or Shias. If they say that they are Sunni or Shias, then it means they are not Muslims. This is the perception of the community.
      In the Qur’an, these are clearly stated as below: (So, those people who claim to be Shia or Sunnie, I believe they do not read the book of the religion that they believe. So this means, they are fake)… Best Regards
      Surah Ali-Imran
      103And cling firmly onto the rope of Allah all together/guard yourselves with the rope of Allah, do not become divided and remember the favor of Allah upon you: When you were enemies to each other and Allah brought your hearts together. Then you became brothers by His favor. You were on the edge of a fire pit and He saved you from there. Thus Allah makes clear His Ayat/evidences/signs for you so you may follow the righteous path you are guided.
      104And let there be a group of people with a leader from among you who invite to good, instruct good that is accepted by all, preclude evil via Wahy [Revelation] and common sense. And they are the ones who will reach salvation.
      Surah Ash-Shura
      13Allah has made a way of life that of the religion which He gave Noah as a liability, what We have revealed to you and that which We gave to Abraham, Moses and Jesus as a liability: “Implement the religion, establish it and do not be divided in it”. That to which you invite them has been difficult for those who associate others with Allah. Allah chooses whomever He wills for Himself and guides whoever turns with sincerity to that to which is invited.

      • Dear Human Z,
        This is the type of answer you deluded fools of Islam have for logical questions. When someone asks you why y’all MUSLIMS resort to terrorism and disrespecting women, all you have got is that if they did that, they are not muslims. Like how on earth is that even an answer?
        Go see what MUSLIMS did on new years eve in Germany, Sweden Riots, Bangalore Riots, assassination of people somehow involved with Salman Rushdie’s book ‘ Satanic Verse’, I can go on and on.

        Let me quote something:
        “O ye who believe, when you take a loan, one from another, for a term, reduce the transaction to writing; and let a scribe record it in your presence faithfully. And no scribe should refuse to set it down in writing, because Allah has taught him, so he should write. And let him who undertakes the liability dictate; and he should fear Allah, his Lord, and not diminish anything therefrom. But if the person incurring the liability should be of defective intelligence, or a minor, or unable to dictate then let his guardian dictate faithfully. And procure two witnesses from among your men; and if two men be not available, then one man and two women, of such as you like as witnesses, so that if either of the two women should be in danger of forgetting, the other may refresh her memory. And the witnesses should not refuse to testify when they are called upon to do so.” (Surah al-Baqarah, Ch:2: V.283)

        Even your QURAN state that women are a creature, a commodity second to men. It’s all oil money thats destroying the peaceful world, let the world switch to renewables and the Theological Arabs states will run out of money to fund ISLAMIC EXTREMISM.

        • First , hey there I like ur username .

          Second hahah tbh I can barely understand who you’re standing with but okay . Let me just tell you smth from someone who is fluent in both english and Arabic. The translation is not always right . I’ve seen it many times and read in many apps , and the ayat are not always interpreted the same way . What you just need to know is , and I say this from not a biased view but this is the truth coming from heart as someone who had a screwed view of their religion in the beginning from many obscure media influencers and teachers in general . Islam never supported racism , sexism or even though I dont think this is needed to say terrorism . We have a very harsh judgement for who steals , do you think we let terrorism pass by ? Who murders gets killed , that’s the judgement for a murderer in our creed
          .And just another note , god said in surat el bakara there will be a very harsh judgement for those who change his words . Make their own halal and haram . Whatever wars in the old ages we engaged in as a form of gehad was for protecting muslims who were being tortured making a muslim empire so no one gets enslaved anymore , no one gets beaten up for being muslims . And I know you probably like I careless who gets tortured , but in reality it never forced anyone even after these countries became part of the islamic empire to actually become muslims , you have your religion and I have my own . And about the women thing , just dont , we women have so many rights in islam women didnt have in christianity, so many prevelages we werent oppressed in one way . Hijab by the way , is not a form of oppression in anyway , stated in Quran it’s so those who have an illness in their hearts don’t look at women in a bad way . It’s a form of protection and also men have rules for their dress code so it’s not only us who have rules to follow. Whatever japan was doing before thank god they stopped. Because this is messed up and purely racist , not because some terrorists who claim to be muslims killed people then we should claim that every muslim is a terrorist , in America theres almost a school shooting happening every week , why dont we ban Americans and say they’re shooters? Or is it just that people dislike islam?

          People sure like offending others dont they .

          • first of all, shooting in america is like u can they do it for their own good. Coming to terrorism “allah u akbar” is only with specific religion. A specific religion is causing terrorism killing in name of god.
            Coming to Islam .. it says slay the kafirs{non-muslims} try explaining that please.

  3. It is very sad that Sri Neel thinks that ‘Islam is a blessing to mankind’. The life of Prophet Mohammed fails to impress anyman with a logical mind. Though I did not read Koran well, I had a look here & there; and am so far convinced that there are better religious books than that.
    Japanese are very clever & hardworking. May this wisdom of ‘allowing Muslims to pray at home (possibly noiselessly, for which noise every ‘galli’ in India stands a loud testimony) and not allowing them to convert (which seems to be the only reason why Islam is broight in: convert or kill others)’ stay with Japanese administrators for ever.

    • Instead of following writeups after writeups on Facebook from unreliable source, please read the book before pre conceived notion about anythinflg, let alone a religion. Its unreal and very upsetting to see where pit common person’s opinion heading, our basic education tells us, issue lies in problem, blaming a faith for it is absolutely wrong, and shows lack of social awareness

      • A lack of social awareness is a complete disregard and ignorance of the fact that terrorism and cold blooded murders are happening all over the world in the name of a faith!! In this case Islam. Wake up.

  4. This is a sad state of affairs that Islam which is actually a blessing for mankind, has been misunderstood and misrepresented by its own followers and by people with selfish motives. Read Quran yourself, read about life of Prophet Mohammad yourself to understand true Islam.

    • Really. Someone who gets his son divorced so that he may enjoy his wife who is like his daughter. Someone who marries a 6 year old girl and has sex with her when she is 9. One can go on and on. All terrorists come from 1 religion. What sort of religion is this religion????

    • Really mr Neel… U must be on a high dose to say this!!!!There are vulnerable predictions in their book which has been adopted and altered conveniently to satiate their needs…a book which supports killling n conversion..u call it a blessing!!!

    • A blessing for mankind Islam? Radical Islamic mutilatioms honor killings acid attacks pedos goat rapes child rapes sex slaves FGM and hatred for all not exactly like them Death cult is not a blessing

    • Mohammad was a pedphile, lier, thief, wife beater, rapist and murderer. Who in their right mind would worship such a sick, demented human being?

    • There is no “true” islam and there is no “false” islam. islam is islam.
      For those who didn’t get the correct point of this issue: islam is NOT a religion, it never was and never will be. islam is the worst CULT of death and barbarism on the entire planet! Case closed!

    • @NEEL, you mean this sheeet?

      “O ye who believe, when you take a loan, one from another, for a term, reduce the transaction to writing; and let a scribe record it in your presence faithfully. And no scribe should refuse to set it down in writing, because Allah has taught him, so he should write. And let him who undertakes the liability dictate; and he should fear Allah, his Lord, and not diminish anything therefrom. But if the person incurring the liability should be of defective intelligence, or a minor, or unable to dictate then let his guardian dictate faithfully. And procure two witnesses from among your men; and if two men be not available, then one man and two women, of such as you like as witnesses, so that if either of the two women should be in danger of forgetting, the other may refresh her memory. And the witnesses should not refuse to testify when they are called upon to do so.” (Surah al-Baqarah, Ch:2: V.283)

      Even your QURAN state that women are a creature, a commodity second to men.

  5. In India, Islam registers the fastest population growth. Many rogue politicians say Islam bought culture to India. Our former prime minister went to the extent of telling the wealth of India belongs to Muslims. With almost every opposition party primarily engaged in pleasing Muslims, India cannot solve the Islam problem in the foreseeable future , especially when the so-called majority Hindus are sleeping! Only the Muslims will have to destroy Islamic culture as has started with confrontation with the ISIS and other terror organizations in several parts of the world!

    • Everybody, not 1 religion, but eveybody, have to do something about terrorism.pls do not equate terrorism with islamic culture, please read better books for enlightenment.

    • When the Muslims went to India they slaughtered million of Indians. More than in any other nation. Read history. They are murderers and savages and should be wiped from the earth.


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