National Herald case: Read 105-page Income Tax Assessment Order against Young Indian exposing Rs.414 crores gain

The complete order of ITD in the National Herald - Young Indian tax assessment is made available for the public

The complete order of ITD in the National Herald - Young Indian tax assessment is made available for the public
The 105-page order of ITD in the National Herald - Young Indian tax assessment

In public interest, we have decided to publish the entire 105-page Income Tax Assessment Order against Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi controlled company Young Indian. This Assessment Order proves that BJP leader Subramanian Swamy’s National Herald case against the Congress leadership is totally factual.

This Assessment Order published below this article establishes the following:

  1. As per the Assessment Order dated December 27, 2017, Income Tax Department (ITD) found that Congress party’s claim of giving Rs.90 crores loan to National Herald newspaper publishing company Associated Journal Limited (AJL) was totally bogus and a fraud engineered by the Gandhi family.
  2. The ITD charges that Young Indian concealed taxable income of more than Rs.414 crores. So as per Income Tax Act, the fine for the concealed taxable income ranges between 100 to 300% and criminal prosecution for such concealment.
  3. The fake loan theory of Rs.90 crores was engineered to grab the properties of National Herald newspaper in Delhi, Mumbai, Patna, Lucknow, Panchkula in Haryana and Bhopal, worth more than Rs.2000 crores by the Gandhi family-controlled company. All these properties in plush localities of these cities were allotted on lease for publishing newspapers by Central and State Governments at a paltry sum. Floating a new company called Young Indian was to grab these assets.
  4. The Assessment Order shows that 44 opportunities spanning 890 days were given to the Directors of Young Indian and Congress leadership. It also shows that Congress leadership including Motilal Vora tried to accuse the Income Tax officers, rather than give answers.
  5. The Order also shows that Priyanka Vadra was also part of the dubious deals to control the National Herald publishing company AJL.
  6. The allotment of more than three lakh shares of AJL to Congress President Rahul Gandhi and sister Priyanka was a violation of Companies Act too.
  7. Young Indian receiving Rs.1 crore from a Kolkata based company Doltex was nothing but a hawala transaction involving money laundering.
  8. Young Indian and AJL Directors Motilal Vora and Oscar Fernandez and Gandhi family aides Suman Dubey and Sam Pitroda acted dubiously to facilitate the grabbing of Rs.2000 crores worth assets of National Herald by Young Indian’s controlling Directors Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi.

Options before the Congress leadership are to file an appeal against this Assessment Order before the Income Tax Commissioner and then in the Income Tax Tribunal. After this, an appeal can be filed in High Court and Supreme Court. This Assessment Order also shows that Congress leadership had approached the Delhi High Court to stop the Income Tax from assessing and the petition was rejected.

The 105-page Income Tax Assessment Order against Young Indian is published below:

Income Tax Assessment Order Young Indian Dtd Dec 27, 2017 by PGurus on Scribd

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  1. Our legal system never punished high profile politicians in the past. We have no doubt, they never punished in next 70 years also. Waste of many Courts’ hours, forests( for punished news), man hours ( for publishing, marketing, etc and also for reading) Many advocates and their next generation will survive on these never ending hearings. It is nothing but waste of tax payers money. Judges retire, new judges take up the cases and they also retire…. it is a cycle. Where will it end? All criminal Acts are useless. They were created to save criminals by criminals!

  2. Our judicial system delays allows the corrupt/ crimes to be free for years on which in itself is unjust/ injustice. Even after decades case come up adjournments allows the offenders a free life. Wonder if a PIL can be filed with regard to in ordinate delay of disposal of cases. If courts can not dispose the cases, bail should be cancelled & put them as under trials. Look at glaring disparity/ discrimination hundreds if not thousands who can not afford expensive lawyers spend their life for ages in jail for a petty offence & some who get acquitted. This is against/ violation of equal rights. Take the case of Gandhi family tax evasion/ corporate fraud, this family is enjoying free life accusing others.


    • Page 9, 10, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26, 63, 68 & 70, of 105 pages IT order are the most important ones which gives a clear indication of FRAUD committed by the Congress, YI and AJL.

  4. no surprises mr rajesh how congress is alive and who is supporting them. where were you for the past 70 when your Gandhi family ruled/spoiled india.

  5. Going singularly behind Sonia and RAHUL Gandhi is political vendetta !! Leave them alone !
    Think about how to develop india !
    There is so much more to do !
    Priyanka and Vadra family did nothing wrong as Indians

    • Rajesh,
      LOL. There is no shortage of comedy characters like you in India.
      First of all, it is NOT Modi ji, it is one and only Subramanian Swamy who is pursuing these cases.
      And you call it vendetta? Modi didn’t even get more than 10 marks in “vendetta exam” compared to SoGa mata. He is utter failure in vendetta exam. I wish he REALLY REALLY takes vendetta for the fake cases, and cruelty they shoed towards him.
      After 3.5 years, I am doubting if Modiji already forgot all those things along with scams and corruption of SoGa.

  6. Kudos to Pgurus team for publishing Income Tax Assessment Order against fake Gandhis. Hope these Crooks go to Tihar soon!! Best wishes to Dr. Subramanian Swamy and his team for their determination and bravery in fighting the National Herald Case! Truth Shall Prevail!

  7. Income Tax Assessment Order ratifies the petition of Subramanian Swamy in National Herald case. Now time started ticking for Gandhi family. What kind of liars are these people? Lied that gave Rs.90cr loan and grabbed the media firms assets


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