Parag hi Gabbar hai!

Parag hi Gabbar hai!

Parag hi Gabbar hai!
Parag hi Gabbar hai!

On Thursday, Twitter cut down on what term it as “state-backed information operations” gloom descended on the types who start their morning checking follower count.

The drop in Twitter follower count ranges from hundreds to thousands, according to the users.


  1. If he cleans up TWITTER its ability to over-throw or do mud-slinging on the ruling govts will go and thereon lose its market value or hype. How about Modi recommending / influencing to re-open Donald Trump TWITTER handle ? Is TWITTER going to share how many Pakistan ISI handlers ? atleast verbally

  2. Need to see if this Indian can make any difference or he is has tied hands, legs & tongue. May be he is only a front for back-end stealth operations


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