
Prof R Vaidyanathan looks down the memory lane and explains how up until the Bank Nationalisation decision of Indira Gandhi in 1969 that private entities were the one owning and operating banks. For the most part, the companies took depositor money and placed it in their own companies, giving them a good equity pool. A must watch discussion, if you want to understand why Banks were nationalised and how to put checks and balances to ensure private banks serve the purpose.

Prof R Vaidyanathan looks down the memory lane and explains how up until the Bank Nationalisation decision of Indira Gandhi in 1969 that private entities were the one owning and operating banks. For the most part, the companies took depositor money and placed it in their own companies, giving them a good equity pool. A must watch discussion, if you want to understand why Banks were nationalised and how to put checks and balances to ensure private banks serve the purpose.


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