The Legion of merit – NaMo, India and the world.

Legion of Merit award was awarded to NaMo, Abe and Morrison for their leadership and vision by US Prez

Legion of Merit award was awarded to NaMo, Abe and Morrison for their leadership and vision by US Prez
Legion of Merit award was awarded to NaMo, Abe and Morrison for their leadership and vision by US Prez

NaMo is a pedestal of a dream for any politician in the world

It is not even a decade, he was denied a visa to the USA. Thereafter an official invitation to the USA, massive public meetings there, a state visit by two presidents to India, strategic partnership, American arsenal opened for purchase, Indo pacific, Quad and now the Legion of merit.

Extraordinary accomplishment by a man of ordinary background and for a nation which prided even talking about their relatives in America. If NaMo‘s mother were to understand all this well, her heart will ooze tears of joy. For NaMo at 70, it is one more accolade on his long walk for an exalted national purpose and possibly a renunciation of life itself thereafter.

Trump gave India all it wanted in arms and yet could not stop NaMo form not just buying S-400 but also from going to vladivostok and announcing a billion-dollar line of credit.

Donald Trump is no crazy man as many crazy Americans think. He is 70 plus and with a good lot of experience in success and failures. His lack of a political experience favoured him as lacking political baggage in thought and action. He saw problems and a potential plain and acted on simple instincts. Why did he bet on India and NaMo so much?

NaMo’s purpose and process were admirable for Trump. A non-negotiable nationalist, who declared his intentions to a billion and got their valid endorsement to get on with his mission, facing organized political adversities and yet repeated electoral success of such incomprehensible scale, has become, the diva of democracy.

NaMo is a pedestal of a dream for any politician in the world. Trump read NaMo well and the rising potential of India for America and the world and befriended him and India quickly. For India which was gratified in just being a friend of any big country, became a respected, trusted ally and a friend of America. Trump gave India all it wanted in arms and yet could not stop NaMo form not just buying S-400 but also from going to vladivostok and announcing a billion-dollar line of credit.

Tough and independent thinkers respect similar qualities in others. Love for their countries was admired by each other. Both performed under intense scrutiny and criticism unlike the leaders of China or other dictators who are rattled by a small cough of criticism.

If India could progress with democracy and human rights why not we? More recognition will come India’s way as the most powerful nation’s recognition will have many others following.

The patience, silence and steely resolve of India and NaMo in dealing with the noisy and meaningless belligerence of China is a new paradigm in international relations in modern times. Quad can’t be meaningful without India.

The Legion of merit is a resounding recognition of the arrival of the Indian on the global scene and scheme. It is not a position that the new president can move away from as India now is too relevant in the fast-evolving politico-military cosmos. For China and Pakistan, it certainly is unpleasant news.

For the world, a rise of India is a champion of peace and democracy rising. This is the concern for the Communist Party of China (CPC) in China. If India could progress with democracy and human rights why not we? More recognition will come India’s way as the most powerful nation’s recognition will have many others following.

Not surprisingly the liberal media did not celebrate nor did the political spectrum quite understandably, but surprisingly the BJP government itself did not mention much the recognition of India and its leader for the accomplishment, except a tweet of the HM. Perhaps their heads are numbed by the Delhi winter or are waiting for a message from the PMO to celebrate.

1. The views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of PGurus.


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