The Real Indian History – Part 5

The mighty Delhi Sultanate formed by the Mamluks of Muhammad of Ghor had begun crumbling due to various Hindu rebellions across the country.

The Previous Parts of this series can be accessed here. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4. This is Part 5.


Harihara and Bukka were captured by Muhammad Bin Thuglak during one of the Sultanate’s invasions of the south and were forced to convert to Islam. After this, the two brothers were sent to the south as generals to consolidate Sultanate gains. However, they met the sage of the Shringeri MathVidyaranya, who reconverted them to Hinduism.

Hakka – Bukka

Harihara and Bukka were captured by Muhammad Bin Thuglak during one of the Sultanate’s invasions of the south and were forced to convert to Islam. After this, the two brothers were sent to the south as generals to consolidate Sultanate gains. However, they met the sage of the Shringeri MathVidyaranya, who reconverted them to Hinduism.

After the defeat of the Kakatiyas by the Delhi Sultanate, the Musunuri Nayaks rose up in revolt in Telugu Desam to defend Hinduism.

Harihara I and Bukka

Bukka’s son – Kumara Kampana, an able general of the Vijayanagara Empire invaded and crushed the Sultanate of Madurai that had been established by the rebelling viceroy of Madurai- Jalaluddin Ahsan Khanand. Kumara Kampana restored Dharma to the land, freeing the holy temples of Srirangam & Madurai from the Turks. This conquest was detailed in the text ‘Madhura Vijayam’ written by the wife of Kampana – Gangadevi.

After the defeat of the Kakatiyas by the Delhi Sultanate, the Musunuri Nayaks rose up in revolt in Telugu Desam to defend Hinduism & their country under the leadership of Musunuri Prolabya Nayak & Musunuri Kapaya Nayak, who later defeated and expelled the Turks from Warangal.

In conclusion, the mighty Delhi Sultanate that had been formed by the Mamluks of Muhammad of Ghor had already begun crumbling under the Tughlaks due to various Hindu rebellions across the country – Sangama dynasty of Vijayanagara, Sisodia dynasty of Mewar, Munsuri Nayaks etc. The latter dynasties such as the Sayyids and the Lodis were relatively weak as compared to the Khiljis and the Tughlaqs, who were the most powerful Sultanate dynasties.

To be continued…

Evil Aryan
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