‘Women empowerment’ in the current scenario
Women’s rights, women’s equality, and women empowerment are hot topics. Western corporate sectors, government, NGOs, and business schools promote massive agendas, courses, policies, and curriculums around these subjects. Practically speaking, every company tries to appoint a woman CXO or division head, disguised as promotion of “equity”, “diversity”, “inclusion”, and “empowerment” for the DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) initiative. Once then-nominee American Supreme Court associate justice Ketanji Brown Jackson (KBJ) uttered that “she” or “he” did not know what a woman is [as she was not a biologist], with a straight face, I became explicitly interested in this particular topic more than ever. Honestly, I still do not know what the American Supreme Court associate justice KBJ is? However, the irony is, at times though, the political left attempts to promote this “creation” as a “woman” (sarcasm). Frankly, in my observation, America is going through a massive identity crisis. The political left is hell-bent on pushing their peculiar policies under the garb of so-called “progressiveness” while creating a mentally ill unstable destructive society, deliberately.
Impact of Eastern spirituality and philosophy of women
India, the ancient land of spirituality, religion, divinity, more specifically the divine feminine, elected a female Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, 58 years ago. Sri Lanka was the first country in the world to have elected a female Prime minister in 1960. A billion people never squinted their eyes for a bit when a woman leader was chosen because of her gender to rule the nation when many Western countries could not elect a woman president, purely based on merit and capability over gender and identity politics. I am of the opinion that Indic Eastern civilizational values have a vast array of subjects that the West could learn. On that note, I wish one day America would “elect” (not select) a female President based on merit and capability rather than mere gender, sex, skin colour, and shallow identity politics. In the Islamic states of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, women, children, and minorities are subject to inhuman brutality. Current unvetted immigration with open borders and unabated infiltration are endangering countries across the western and European hemispheres that resulted in an immediate dramatic increase in rape, physical abuse, human trafficking, and sexual assault in recent years. Is it a coincidence? However, western politicians and entities are deeply engaged in a particular kind of religious appeasement, which will only topple society. #DejaVu. This is proving to be detrimental to the safety of our girls, women, and ultimately our society. Media outlets remain silent on the root cause. Academia and NGOs are equally complicit. Western countries must spend time understanding and taking action on the root causes of these massive issues affecting our communities before it is too late. Our children, girls, and women will pay a heavy price for this massive silence.
How did we arrive here if women did not exist nor had a key role in the Society?
Picture Captured at the Hindu Women’s Network Event March 2024 Speech
Picture Captured at the Hindu Women’s Network Event March 2024 Speech
In a world that is 4.543 billion years old, which has seen 6 million years of human ancestry, where modern form of humans evolved 200,000 years ago, the West told us our civilization only occurred 6000 years ago, biblically, and modernity and advancement only came with industrialization of around 1800 CE – essentially just 200 years ago?
In today’s socio-political landscape, we are at a point where we have advanced so much that we must define what a woman is? A Women is “an adult female human being” according to the Oxford English Dictionary or Cambridge Dictionary. Some go to the point of saying, a “person” that “identifies” as a female, by birth, residence, membership, or occupation. The meaning of Female is of, relating to, or being the sex that typically has the capacity to bear young or produce eggs, as per the Oxford Dictionary.
Essentially, the Female is the one who has the ability to receive the seed, who can bear a child, and recreate the next generation. Females/ women are the ones who kept civilization alive! Females are the instruments of continuity.
My honest question is: If we did not have females or women how did we (humans) recreate for the last 200,000 years? How did we arrive here today without “women”? No single four-legged animal, two-legged bird, insect, or serpent, have ever worried about defining male/ female sex or gender. They exist and are recreated naturally. Only “modern”, “advanced”, “accomplished”, “western”, “educated”, and “intellectual” humans seem to have this massive confusion and dilemma (power of “modernity”). Sometimes I wonder if intellectual bankruptcy is fashionable and award-worthy these days? Have we lost all common sense? I wonder what the top universities and Ivy League are really doing? Instead of solving problems and making lives advanced, they seem to be creating more primitive problems for society.
New-age International Women’s Day
A fairly new-age Western phenomenon that started a trend over 100 years ago when the Socialist Party of America pushed the March 8th, 1909 movement as the celebration of International Women’s Day. Mind you, women did not have voting rights in America until 1920. And I am sure you have witnessed a tremendous amount of award ceremonies and celebrations during this time around. 100 years of Western agenda, we are still looking for solutions for women’s empowerment. Women empowerment concept is a Western concept. It never was an issue in the Eastern culture.
Why are we still talking about #WomenEmpowerment?
The historicity of Hindu civilization & Divine femininity
The oldest scripture in the world is Rig Veda (survived). Oldest religion of the world Hindutva(ism). The oldest language is Sanskrit. In fact, people in a few villages in India still speak #Sanskrit.
Out of the four oldest civilizations:
- Mesopotamia civilization, current day Iraq and northeast Syria, has been WIPED OUT, and the region has been converted to complete Islamic countries.
- Egyptian civilization became completely Islamic.
- Chinese civilization became a strange combination of authoritarian, totalitarian, atheist, communist, and capitalistic society.
- Whereas the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC)’s ancient Hindu religion, culture, heritage, and history survived as a continuous Hindu civilization despite the barbaric invasion and cruel infiltration. The civilization that was formed by the “Sindhu” river became known as “Hindu” by foreigners who could not pronounce the word “Sindhu”. Over time “Hindu” became “Indu”…”Indo”…”Indus”…”Indic”…thus, “Indus Valley Civilization” [IVC]…hence the name “India”.
Hindutva (AKA Hindu’ism’), is the final living ancient civilization that survived brutal attacks, plunder, loot, slaughter, and conversion agenda of the invaders for over a millennium.
With the continuous “KHOJ” [search] for answers, as excavation and explorations continue, advancement of science and technology occur, and as further discoveries are made, today we know Indic civilization’s historicity is at least 14,000 years old. Carbon dating of the submerged archaeological site of the City of Dwaraka proved it.
In the East, however, both divine masculinity and divine femininity “energy” have been worshipped equally for eons. Many in the East are familiar with scriptural legends of God Shiva, Ardhanarishwara, which is an aspect of the ultimate fusion of masculinity (Shiva) and femininity (Shakti) within, a perfect union for procreation. Not to be confused with the recent Western phenomenon of ‘gender dysphoria‘ with a notion that somehow one is born in the wrong body or one can decide their gender in kindergarten or go through sex-changing surgeries without parental permission or one can identify as an animal or there are millions of genders. I bring attention to the matter that, both genders and energies are compulsory for the cycle of creation. Neither is superior, nor inferior, each has its own share of strengths and weaknesses. The source of all creation without nature and nurture is incomplete. Women don’t have to become men in order to achieve what she want, or be the best she can be, or do not have to propagate a man-bashing agenda in order to succeed. On top of it, toxic western feminism is destroying the balance of divine feminine energy and divine masculine energy. The political left is hell-bent on erasing the men. Masculine energy is the giver and the provider and the feminine is the receiver and the protector. The balance between male and female energy is crucially important for civilizational continuity. Both energies are necessary for creation, sustenance, and dissolution, not one without the other.
There is no known religion, ideology, philosophy, or civilization known to me that reveres women like Hindutva(ism). Not just respect for women, but reverence for women. We worship women, the divine feminine energy. We worship divine mother goddesses as equals, at times much more powerful. Various manifestations of the mother Goddess are Maa Durga, Maa Tara, Maa Kali, Maa Laksmi, and so on. Divine feminine energy, i.e., “SHAKTI” – the prime energy for creation, sustenance, and dissolution. Women are the primal energy of evolution and continuity. Without women, nothing manifests.
Women Rights/ Empowerment was NEVER an issue in Eastern Hindu society. Even our revered God/ Goddesses were referred to as their mother. For instance, Anjani putra Hanuman or Devaki nandan Krishna. Similarly, women’s rights/empowerment is not an issue in Hindu society even today. Our Hindu women are in NASA. Our women are engineers, doctors, lawyers. Our women are CEOs. Our women are in every industry and field possible including military and aviation.
Over 1,000 years ago, our thriving and wealthy Hindu civilization was attacked by attackers of foreign ideologies that marked the downfall of our civilization. Our women had to be mercilessly abducted, ruthlessly raped, cruelly converted, brutally enslaved, and savagely sold in open bazaars, NAKED. Hindu women had to start covering up to save themselves in the Indian subcontinent. Quiet marriages took place In the middle of the night to protect the girls from invaders. Even though we forgot our history, we lost our heritage, our wealth was stolen, our dignity was snatched, and we did not lose our religion, faith, and culture – this is a significant achievement of our ancestors.
Medieval days and changing role of women
In the medieval period, usually, the women would nurture the family and tend to the children and home. Cutting wood or transporting heavy rocks or warfare were naturally not an easy job for women – therefore, in the past, men were outbound, working and earning bread, and women would stay home, nurturing children and home; hence it made women dependent on men. However, women were NOT inferior to men, nor were they treated as inferior. Even in the 20th century, I grew up watching my father worshipping his mother no less than a goddess herself. I personally was never taught that, as a girl I cannot achieve something my heart desires. It is not about wealth or property or social status – but the incomparable teaching of respect, equality, and wisdom a Hindu household imparts to the next generations. In the twenty-first century (in the age of information, science, and technology) type of work changed. Women can be everything she want to – from teachers to pilots to engineers to doctors to lawyers or even priestesses. Now, women are outspoken, well-educated, and independent – can follow whatever path or passion they choose to follow. Today’s unfortunate leftist politics of eradicating men and feminists’ men-bashing agenda are ruinous and poisonous for society.
Connecting the dots
Eastern Indian Hindu philosophy and religion has a great deal of examples of women’s rights, women’s equality, and women empowerment. Women are wholesome creations of the almighty himself. Women and females are NOT inferior to men. WOMEN IN THE EAST WERE ALWAYS LIBERATED, NOT SUBJUGATED LIKE THE OTHER REGIONS OR RELIGIONS VISIBLY DEMONSTRATED. Without women, we would not have reached today’s generation. Women’s rights, women’s liberation, women’s equality, women’s empowerment have been attained before in the Eastern culture. The West simply needs to be a bit open-minded and learn from Hindu history.
This topic brings back focus on our civilizational asset, that is, Hindutva(ism), and our unique religion, philosophy, history, and heritage. The concept of worshipping divine feminine energy and focusing on the balance of divine masculine and divine feminine energy of #ArdhaNareeshvara are the only philosophies that can bring equilibrium within our sliding society. And Hindu society has a tremendous opportunity to communicate its distinct and exclusive philosophy to the sliding Western society.
1. Text in Blue points to additional data on the topic.
2. The views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of PGurus.
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