In Kerala, it is a cardinal sin to utter the names of accused in criminal cases if they happen to be from the minority community, especially the religion of peace.

Communist ideology of Kerala

Sandesham (Malayalam for Message) is a 1991 movie directed by Sathyan Anthikkadu, ace movie maker. It went on to create a number of records...
It is important to note that so far, we have seen too much confusion in rules & regulations for testing & treatment in private labs and private hospitals. Therefore, there is a need to come up with a proper system of dispensing information with regard to the medical facilities available across India

The strategic preparedness and response plan for COVID-19 in India

India has increased our testing by many folds but still, it is not enough to flatten the curve As of June 10th, India’s Coronavirus tally...
The performance of the regimes of Delhi, Maharashtra, and West Bengal in fighting the current pandemic is at the bottom of the ladder. On the other hand, those like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar have done relatively far better

Undermining the fight against the pandemic

The nation’s fight against the pandemic is getting undermined by the inefficient functioning of the governments of Delhi, West Bengal, and Maharashtra. If a nationwide...
Seema in her social media page charged that Ananthakrishnan sent her obscene pictures of himself and sleazy dialogues as part of his efforts to persuade her for sexual relations.

Kerala’s cultural leaders stink with sleazy news

The nauseating and ugly details of the personal lives of the glitterati belonging to Kerala’s Left-Liberal Secular Human Right Activists are coming out by...
It’s time to bring Americanism back rather than divisive religion-based politics and Dharma is one such platform that is beyond any religion.

Dharmic Americanism should be the new philosophy

How the church-going Republicans began to be hated by many Americans needs to be analyzed? The GOP (Grand Old Party) was the first to introduce...
It has now become fashionable in the MSM to create outrage as to why so and so is silent on a particular issue and then go on a loud rant. Sometimes the decibel levels are deafening!

Selective outrage – The “My Journalist” vs “Your Journalist” syndrome is peaking now

Everyone wants to call themselves as unbiased and neutral but their words betray their leanings This is the time when journalists and media houses are...