Tag: Judiciary system
If the transformation happening in Google were to happen in judiciary…
Bringing artificial intelligence into the judicial process
If Rip Van Winkle were to have slept in 1947 and woken up today, he would see himself...
Judges need utmost discretion in courtroom comments, ‘judges selecting judges’ system...
President Ram Nath Kovind: Indiscreet remarks give space for dubious interpretations
While addressing Supreme Court judges in Delhi on Saturday, President Ram Nath Kovind said...
Supreme Court in Crisis: Failure of Judicial Leadership – Part 2
The previous part of this article can be accessed here.
The legal business markets that we have discussed , function in the Supreme Court on...
Supreme Court in Crisis: Failure of Judicial Leadership
There is an urgent need of a public audit of human resource hiring and management in the Supreme Court and the high courts.
The two...
Judicialisation of politics in Pakistan: A By-product of unstable constitutionalism
The unstable constitutionalism is directly enervating the foreign policy and international relations of the nation and the democracy as a social ethic has lost...
2G Verdict: 1991 Moment For Judicial Reforms
Mr. J. Gopikrishnan, in his well-researched Op-Ed article in Daily Pioneer, has explained why the Saini judgment is flawed, not only in the backdrop...
How Justice Delivery System Can Be Improved 1000% At No Extra...
As a first step, the CJI, in consultation with the Government and Opposition, can set up a Task Force to redesign our Justice Delivery...
How To Improve The Quality And Speed Of Justice Delivery System?...
The people should demand that courts should start re-interpreting the meaning of the “99:1” principle
Most of us are frustrated with the quality and speed...