[dropcap color=”#008040″ boxed=”yes” boxed_radius=”8px” class=”” id=””]A[/dropcap]s the world becomes increasingly de-stabilized, events throw up several questions for the researcher. Is the Superpower, USA, still a British colony? European Governments, like France and Germany, want Britain to join them in an integrated Eurozone, but Britain prefers to be part of the USA coalition. Why is this so, when geography and commercial interests dictate that Britain should be closely associated with Europe? The USA has the largest debt in its history, yet it is itching to start World War III. Why are facts leading us to claim that the Superpowers are not states, but two ethnic groups, scattered worldwide? These, and several other ramifications, need to be examined.
Most Americans who know about the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) do not realize that the Fed is not owned by the US Government. Some mention that the Rothschild family own the Fed.1 But the fact is that a cabal of bankers, led by the Rothschild family own and run the Fed.2The Federal Reserve Act was passed on December 23, 1913 through the influence of J.P. Morgan, a member of this cartel. Between 1913 and 1933, the dollar was backed by gold and silver, and after WW II foreign countries could still cash dollars for gold or silver. But after 1971, the dollar became King Dollar when President Nixon weakened the power of the Bretton Woods institutions, namely the World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Kissinger and Saudi Arabia agreed to keep the dollar as a reserve currency. The dollar became a stronger international currency when the petrodollar system was introduced in 1972. Saudi Arabia priced its oil in dollars and others in OPEC followed. The “oil for gold” system was replaced by “oil for dollars.”3
Will Hart explains how the US benefitted from these developments. The dollar became an international currency. Any excess dollars were, by market forces, invested in American bonds, which private bankers bought and then sold at a profit. The petrodollar system made way for the private banks to print as much money as they wanted without adequate security.4 As a result, during the 2008 financial crisis, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner had the courage to say that he would print as much money as the country needed to avoid a depression that would have been worse than the 1929 one. This process was glorified by calling it Quantitative Easing. Economist Rana Faroohar recorded that by October 2014, printed money amounted to $4.5 trillion dollars.5 Europe has been influenced to follow suit to avoid its monetary crisis by printing € 1.1 trillion.
[dropcap color=”#008040″ boxed=”yes” boxed_radius=”8px” class=”” id=””]D[/dropcap]uring President Obama’s second term, the power of the Rothschild cabal and the links between Israel and the USA become more visible. Garner notes that the Rothschild family have made the Bank of International Settlements its “piggy bank,” a deep-pit mine worth quadrillions of dollars. This explains why the USA that has a debt of a trillion dollars can afford to threaten the world with another war and sanctions. It was the British Prime Minister Balfour who granted the Rothschild family the right to establish Israel in Palestine and the aim was to create a Greater Israel, from the brook in Egypt to the Euphrates. The Bush and Obama Administrations were full of what was termed as the Rothschild Zionists.6 Hodges adds that the Rothschild control extends to many of the world’s Central Banks and the National Banking Industry.7 These two tiers with the Bank of International Settlements are the three levels of power for control of the world which, incidentally, has a combined debt of $ 9 trillion.8
Any country that tries to replace its dependence on the dollar is likely to face a war. The elimination of Saddam Hussein who thought of an Arab currency, Muammar Gaddafi who wanted an African bank, and the demonization of Putin who tried to introduce one currency for Russia and its Near Abroad are a few examples of this misuse of power.
The petrodollar system made way for the private banks to print as much money as they wanted without adequate security.
Another way of strengthening the dollar, and indirectly Rothschild power, is by tapping institutions and countries that are immensely rich. In 1823, the Rothschilds looked after the finances of the Catholic Church, though it is not clear if they still do. The alignment of interests of Saudi Arabia and Israel in M.E.N.A. seems to suggest that Saudi money is being looked after by Rothschild or his subsidiaries. If this were so, then this alliance would be a major stumbling block to the formation of an Islamic Federation.
[dropcap color=”#008040″ boxed=”yes” boxed_radius=”8px” class=”” id=””]C[/dropcap]ivil Rights attorney Ellen Brown estimates that the Fed generates an income for its shareholders at the rate of 6% a year in “open-market operations, after deducting expenses.9Other writers have a much higher figure.
The Rothschild network extends to various parts of Europe. The founders were, Amschel (1773-1855) who established the Frankfurt branch; Salomon Mayer, the Vienna; Nathan Mayer, the London; James Mayer, the Paris; and Carl Mayer the Naples. When, for instance, a Rothschild bank was nationalized, as in France in 1981, there was a name change like Rothschild and Cie Banque. In America, their representatives were J. P. Morgan and Kuhn, Loeb & Co.; both banking families set up the meeting on Jekyll Island that eventually introduced the Federal Reserve Act. By business and blood, these families stuck together. Other banking families that joined this network were the Lehmann Brothers, Stillman and the Rockefeller. Their power can be imagined by the fact that parts of this network financed all Communist leaders in Russia: Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin. It won’t be surprising if Putin is one their beneficiaries. In Germany, the Schroder family emerges as the most powerful branch of this network.
Critics stress the fact that this network is secretive, which goes against the American psyche. However, the chairman of Rothschild Investment Trust (RIT) Capital Partners has said publicly that he sees “global instability and fragility of hope for future income.” The current economic system is more dangerous than the period preceding World War II. He attributes this danger to the “rampant chaos and extremism in the Middle East, and the inability of Europe to conduct necessary reforms.”10
Although China has done much to raise its international financial prestige, there is much work to be done to elevate the living standards of its masses.
[dropcap color=”#008040″ boxed=”yes” boxed_radius=”8px” class=”” id=””]S[/dropcap]ince the private bankers who run the Fed are headed by the British Rothschild family, one wonders if the USA is really independent, or a British colony. The British Queen’s face on Canadian and Australian stamps also indicates that Britain’s hold over these two Commonwealth countries, however oblique, still exists. On paper at least, the real Superpower is Britain, though the financial power in the West is with those who claim to be descendants of Hebrews.
Britain’s prestige is enhanced also by being the home of what is known as the “Gold Fix.” From 1919 to 2014 Barclays, HSBC, Bank of Nova Scotia, and Société Générale fixed the gold price twice a day in London.
In 2014, German Deutsch Bank withdrew from the gold fix owing to a few, but expensive, landmark legal cases on price fixing, and the call for transparency. It was therefore difficult to fill Deutsch Bank’s seat.11 However, the International Commodities Exchange arranged for its subsidiary the Intercontinental Exchange Benchmark Administration (IBA) to provide “physically settled, electronic and tradable action gold price,” through the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA). London remained the centre for trading, in a similar fashion, of other important commodities. Meanwhile, HSBC and Bank of Nova Scotia fixed the silver price and Goldman Sachs became a member of the “gold fix” club.12
As London is a major global financial centre, it is unwilling to share this wealth and prestige with Paris, Frankfurt and Zurich. Britain’s links with the developed and developing nations and its language are additional advantages. This explains why David Cameron has been accused of being isolated in the EU, when he rejected the EU Treaty that would have tightened financial restrictions.13
[dropcap color=”#008040″ boxed=”yes” boxed_radius=”8px” class=”” id=””]A[/dropcap]s economic development throughout the world can no longer be managed effectively from one centre, the central banks are “freaking out,” notes theglobeandmail.com.14 The paper reports that, “in the last 60 days of 2015, some 20 central banks had extended stimulus measures. Switzerland surprised the markets by allowing its franc to float and its value rose by 18%. India, too, lowered its interest rates and surprised the market. The current mood in international markets is gloomy.
If the dollar world is controlled by one man and his extended family of investors, then it should not be surprising to find American reporter Thomas Freidman questioning the power of one casino magnate, Sheldon Adelson, influencing the Republican Party and Israel.15 Freidman finds it “troubling that one man, with the willingness and ability to give away giant sums, can tilt Israeli and American politics his way, at the same time.” Adelson is against Israel acting democratically and the two-state solution. He has bought the religious right paper, Makor Rishon, to keep Netanyahu in power. With the same aim, he has bought the newspaper Israel Hayom, and by giving it away free, it has become the largest newspaper in Israel. In America, Adelson has organised his own private Republican Party.
Adelson might be a billionaire, but he is small fry compared with the British Jacob, his son Nat and their extended Rothschild family.
It is the aim of Adelson and the Rothschild family, in their separate ways, to work towards world domination. In the words of Professor Zbigniew Brzezinski, quoted by Pepe Escobar, “it is imperative that no Eurasian challenger emerges capable of dominating Eurasia and thus challenging America.”16
[dropcap color=”#008040″ boxed=”yes” boxed_radius=”8px” class=”” id=””]U[/dropcap]nfortunately the Anglo-Zionist financial structure, and therefore world domination, has been challenged by none other than a rising Superpower, China. Russia did not become a financial pioneer when it was deemed a Superpower, as its emphasis was on military dominance. China, on the other hand, initially complained about the unnecessary fees it had to pay when converting yuan to dollars, and vice versa. China felt that there was a cheaper way of running an international financial system, and set forth to introduce its own system.
After China became the US’s largest creditor, it decided to internationalize the yuan, gradually and cautiously. The yuan has been convertible on the current account since December 1996. From 2008, the rivalry between the Redbacks versus the Greenbacks started with yuan swaps, with 16 central banks. Hong Kong became the main centre for such trading. In January 2014, the Shanghai Free Trade Zone introduced the deregulation of currency controls. As China did not want a rapid appreciation of the yuan which hurt trade, its approach is disciplined as it will allow only a narrow float of its currency. Influential Forbes anticipates that the Redback will be fully convertible globally within six months. Meantime, the China International Payment System (CIPS) will place the yuan on a more even international footing as the dollar.17
To woo China, the IMF and the World Bank Group18 have increased China’s representation on these bodies. The Head of the IMF Christine Lagarde has also declared that China will participate in the basket of currencies that make up the Special Drawing Rights, a kind of reserve currency that may replace the dollar. The rate of exchange set on April 3, 2015 was CNY 100 = SDR 11.71. The Renminbi will therefore join the prestigious group of currencies: dollar, pound, euro and yen.
Although China has done much to raise its international financial prestige, there is much work to be done to elevate the living standards of its masses.
[dropcap color=”#008040″ boxed=”yes” boxed_radius=”8px” class=”” id=””]C[/dropcap]hina is also part of the BRICS Bank. The BRICS Bank will start with a capital of $10 billion, each of the five members contributing $2 billion. Several reasons were offered for starting this institution, the main one being that businesses were unable to finance infrastructure projects that involve two or more countries. Russian academic Vladimir Rozhankovsky said that the IMF was a sovereign structure that rescued countries on the verge of collapse, and the BRICS Bank would fill the gap. Professor Roman Andreeschev of the Department for Foreign Area Study said that the BRICS Bank would be a “significant competitor” for the American Banks.19 The BRICS Bank would include other major emerging countries like Argentina, Mexico, Nigeria and Indonesia in the future. The BRICS Bank would start operation at the end of 2015 and will be fully operational in four years. The BRICS went further than finance and demanded a change in representation of the UN and its agencies, at its last 2014 meeting in Forteleza.
The American coalition sees the BRICS as a major threat. This explains the American desire to have NATO on the “Near Abroad” soil and to weaken Russia financially. George Soros came within 3% of placing the pro-business leader as Head of Brazil: Soros backed Marina Silva, who then backed down in favour of Aecio Nunes. South Africa does not count for much, since it is led by the West. India and China are so large that attempts to sabotage their development takes time.
The Asians have another financial institution that is relatively small scale compared with the forthcoming Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), which the Americans claim is the China Bank.
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is financed mainly by Japan and the US. It focuses on relatively small scale infrastructure projects and on reducing poverty in Asia. Its current leader is Japanese, Takehiko Nakao, and its head offices are in Manila. Nakao pointed out that it sought the cooperation of the 3,000 Chinese officials spread out throughout the region; it was not therefore anti-China. ADB has posted a steady growth of 6.3% annually.20 From January 2017, there will be a spurt in development expenditure:
[dropcap color=”#008040″ boxed=”yes” boxed_radius=”8px” class=”” id=””]C[/dropcap]hina thinks big and it offered to start the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) by paying 50% of its starting capital. At the opening ceremony on October 24, 2014, China’s Finance Minister Lou Jiwei stressed that the AIIB would complement the work of the Bretton Woods Twins and other Asian Banks investing in Asia. AIIB had 27 founding members, all Asian. But when Britain applied to join it, other western countries followed; to date, there were 46 applicants. AIIB would have a three-tier structure: a Council, a Board of Directors & Management, and, a Supervisory Management Board.21
The US was cool towards the opening of this bank. It saw AIIB as yet another rival. The US claimed that AIIB would not meet high standards of governance and environmental and social safeguards. As China had 50% of the shares its representation on the Boards would be the same; others would have minority shares. What would make AIIB attractive is its long-term investment cycle at lower than commercial interest rates. Washington did not want western nations to join, but its most ardent partner, Israel, applied. Washington’s supremacy was, indeed, being challenged.22 The New York Times moaned the enthusiasm with which America’s allies were lured by the “China Bank.”23
University Professor Takis Fotopoulos is right in still seeing a unipolar world today. Plans for these Asian banks have just started and the cumulative proof of Chinese banking power will be seen within the next five years. The moneyed always have strong political clout; in 1865, America’s first President Abraham Lincoln said that he was sandwiched between two enemies, one was the generals in the South and the other was the combined plots of financiers in the north.
From these two pathways to international development, one by the West and the other by China, it is understandable why it was decided that the Superpowers were not nations, but Jews and Hans, spread globally. Should one be looking for a Superpower today, one would have to settle on Britain, not the USA, since the British Rothschild family has made London the world’s financial and investment centre. The US does not control its Federal Reserve. Britain’s declaration that it will surpass Germany’s GDP by 2025 seems credible as hot money from turbulent M.E.N.A, and other war zones, is flowing to London.
References & Notes
- “What does the Unite States Federal Reserve have to do with Hitler’s extermination of 42 million people?” angelfire.com, no date.
- “Who owns the US dollar?” pravda.ru, 14.9.2010. Also see Ellen Brown, “Who owns the Federal Reserve…”globaleconomy.ca, February 8, 2014.
- Will Hart, “The Fed, the dollar, gold and the petrodollar,” pravda.ru, April 2, 2015.
- Time, March 30, 2015.
- William Dean Garner, “Bank of International Settlements: How the Rothschild control and dictate to the world,” bushstole04.com; also see David Icke, “They dare not speak his name – Rothschild Zionism,” fromthetrenchesworldreport.com, no date.
- Dave Hodges, “Putin is doing the complete bidding of the Rothschild’s,” wariscrime.com, March 26, 2014.
- Ambrose Evans Pritchard, “The world must prepare for its dollar binge punishment – and it won’t be pretty,” telegraph.com, March 13, 2015.
- Ellen Brown, op. cit.
- “Rothschild warns of ‘chaos, extremism and ‘horrendous’ problems in Europe,” pravda.ru, March 5, 2015.
- Clara Dennia, “Deutsche Bank resigns gold, silver fix seat with no buyer,” uk.reuters.com, April 29, 2014.
- Reuters, “New Era of gold benchmarking set to start,” arabnews.com, March 20, 2015.
- Sarah Lyall & Julia Werdigier, “In rejecting Treaty, Cameron feels isolated,” nytimes.com, December 9, 2015.
- “The great central bank freak-out of 2015,” theglobeandmail.com, March 26, 2015.
- Thomas Freidman, “Is it Sheldon Adelson’s world?” nytimes.com, March 11, 2015.
- Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Grand Chessboard, 1997; Pepe Escobar, “Westward Ho on China’s Eurasia BRIC road,” atimes.com, March 22, 2015.
- Hua Shengdun, “Global Yuan will ‘benefit’ dollar,” chinadaily.com.cn, March 12, 2015.
- The IMF seems to be controlled from Europe; the World Bank includes two institutions, the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and International Development Association (IDA); and the World Bank Group consists of five institutions, the IBRD, IDA, IFC, MIGA (Multilateral Investment Guarantee) & ICSID (International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes.) Both, the IMF and WB were American banks, the Bretton Woods twins, in the sense that the Americans call AIIB a “China Bank.”
- Maria Snytkova, “New BRICS Bank to change world’s financial system,” pravda.ru, March 12, 2015.
- AP, “ADB chief: China-led bank potential partner, not rival,” March 25, 2015;
- Lu Chang, “Funding of AIIB will be open to other countries,” chinadaily.com.cn, March 23, 2015.
- Reuters, “Washington critical as UK looks to join China-backed WB rival,” theglobeandmail.com, March 13, 2015.
- Editorial Board, “US allies, lured by China Bank,” nytimes.com, March 20, 2015.
- Part2 – China’s Road to Superpower status - July 20, 2017
- Part1 – China’s Road to Superpower status - July 18, 2017
- P2 – Can or should Qatar be ostracised? - June 29, 2017