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US stocks rally on Fed minutes' cues

US stocks rally on Fed minutes’ cues

PerformanceGurus Staff Stocks traded higher in the morning session on Friday, as investors continued to digest the minutes from the US Federal Reserve's September meeting...
A Turning Point in Syria?

A Turning Point in Syria?

PerformanceGurus Staff All the carnage and the refugee problem could have been avoided three years ago in this 4-year war in Syria.  The civil war...
Voluntary disclosure of Black Money

Voluntary disclosure of Black Money

PerformanceGurus Staff New Delhi The government’s efforts to persuade economic offenders to voluntarily declare their black money has turned out to be a...
Why do the US banks want India's bankruptcy laws changed?

Why do the US banks want India’s bankruptcy laws changed?

Sree Iyer When the heads of some of the largest banks in the United States met with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the recurring answer from...
A Case in Defense of Capitalism and Paul Krugman

A Case in Defense of Capitalism and Paul Krugman

Shubhendu Pathak Reproduced from the author's blog site. Their Grievances Justified – A Case in Defense of Capitalism and Paul Krugman The dynamics of greed, or a...
Nearshoring and its implications for India

Nearshoring and its implications for India

Sree Iyer Nearshoring is "the transfer of business or IT processes to companies in a nearby country, often sharing a border with your own country",...
Economy growing but not growing – 100 shades of growth

Economy growing but not growing – 100 shades of growth story

Prof. R Vaidyanathan Professor of Finance - IIM-Bangalore When the first quarter results were announced by Central statistical Organisation –there were a flurry of reports in main...
Robots and how they impact India’s IT industry – Part 2

Robots and how they impact India’s IT industry – Part 2

Abhinav Agarwal Machines have been able to do mechanical jobs faster than humans, with greater precision, and for longer periods of time - the cotton gin invented...
Terror returns to Punjab

Terror returns to Punjab

PerformanceGurus Staff Gurudaspur (Punjab) Terror returned to Punjab after an interlude of eight years when three heavily armed fidayeen militants from Pakistan turned Gurudaspur into ...
Yoga practitioners doing Padmasana in a pool

International Yoga Day celebrated across the world

PerformanceGurus staff New Delhi Million of people across the globe on June 21 joined India in celebrating the maiden International Yoga Day, a concept first mooted...


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