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So-called Left-liberals Hinduphobic intellectuals are targeting NASA interns for their photos with Hindu Deities' idols.

Hindu God Idols in the NASA led recruitment of interns tickle the Hinduphobics

NASA intern suffers Hinduphobic attacks for their pic with Hindu God Idols Most people get tickled when certain parts of their bodies are touched, but...
An international conspiracy of pushing narratives on painting Hindus as terrorists, Hinduism as evil, and defaming and sidelining India seems to be the goal

Why attacks on Hindus, Hinduism & Hindustan increased recently?

Why did the attacks and conspiracies against Hindus, Hinduism & Hindustan increase 100 fold in the last few months? Brainwashed largely in the name of...
CAA: A small step towards Humanity

CAA: A small step towards Humanity

The CAA is certainly a small step in the right direction but it needs to be broadened and the government should introduce a new...
American Democracy guarantees freedom of expression for all but shouldn't this freedom be used responsibly?

ISNA impact on American Democracy

The election of Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and other Muslim candidates supported by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Islamic Society of...
Pakistan as experienced by a Pakistani Hindu.

Pakistan as experienced by Pakistani Hindus: 71 years of ‘democracy and equality as enunciated...

Part 1 of the series on Pakistan as Experienced by Pakistan Hindus can be read here Here’s Mukesh Meghwar, a Pakistani Hindu youth who works...
Love Jihad - In our own backyard

Love Jihad : When It Hits Closer To Home

Love Jihad is real and is in our own backyards now Most of us have read with a touch of impersonal distaste about...
Are Indian politicians turning a blind eyer to Muslim radicalization?

Indian politicians downplay Muslim radicalization

A couple of terror incidents in the last few days announced the presence of the Islamic State supporters in India. While cops in Uttar...
Politics of conciliation

Politics of Appeasement: A Dangerous Game, From Moplah Tragedy to Dhulagarh Riots

Politics of Appeasement : A Dangerous game Ironically, the Khilafat movement which is said to be the symbol of the Hindu-Muslim unity was...
Despite many hurdles, Brazil hosted an excellent Olympic Games

#Rio2016 – How Brazil pulled it off despite the political intrigues

A survey by the Brazilian Institute of Public Opinion and Statistics, of 2,792 interviewees of over 16-year olds in 171 cities across Brazil showed...
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Burkha clad woman rips up Israeli flag in Brussels memorial

This is the shocking moment a woman removes an Israeli flag from a Brussels memorial and rips it up, before hiding the pieces away...


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