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Manmohan, Congress leaders stand up for Sonia in court

Manmohan, Congress leaders stand up for Sonia in court

New Delhi, Dec 19 - When Congress President Sonia Gandhi along with party vice president Rahul Gandhi entered the room of the magistrate at...
Sonia, Rahul granted bail; Congress lambasts Modi

Sonia, Rahul granted bail; Congress lambasts Modi

New Delhi, Dec 19 Congress president Sonia Gandhi and vice president Rahul Gandhi on Saturday appeared in a trial court here in the National Herald...
National Herald case: Judgment Reserved

National Herald case: Judgment Reserved

New Delhi, Dec 4 Comprehensive report with detailed arguments of Dr. Swamy The Delhi High Court on Friday reserved its judgment in the National...
Congress in the dock over fresh expose in National Herald Case

Congress in the dock over fresh expose in National Herald Case

The Congress finds itself in the dock over a damning revelation that Young Indian, the controversial company floated by Sonia Gandhi and Rahul...
Cross-examination of Subramanian Swamy by lawyers begins in the National Herald case. WIll a day-to-day trial ensue?

National Herald case – cross-examination of Subramanian Swamy by Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi’s...

The much-awaited cross-examination of petitioner BJP leader Subramanian Swamy by accused Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi’s advocates turned out to be a damp squib...
Congress cries #NHCase as Political vendetta - We beg to disagree

Congress cries #NHCase as Political vendetta – We beg to disagree

New Delhi You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all...


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