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Tag: John Kerry India visit

India, Israel, UAE trade could reach $110B by 2030, Yellen wants countries to raise corporate taxes, the Philippines intensifies war of words over the South China Sea, all these and more

EP135 India, Israel, UAE trade could reach $110B by 2030, Yellen...

 Sree Iyer: Namaskar, April 6th, episode 135 Daily Global Insights. Welcome to Daily Global Insights by Sri and Sree. A lot of stuff has...
FMs of India, France, Oz to meet on Apr 13, Russia FM, John Kerry coming to India same day. Is this to do with S-400? Maharashtra HM Deshmukh resigns following Mumbai High Court ordering a CBI inquiry, All this and more.

EP-134 FMs of India, France, Oz to meet on Apr 13,...

Sree Iyer: Welcome to Daily Global Insights by Sri and Sree. Today is Apr 4, 2021, and this is episode number 134. Today is...


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