Yes, post-1947 India is not a secular democratic country!

The natural question that arises at this crucial juncture is, will today’s Indians, especially Hindus of the 21st century, remain silent to the continuation of colonial policies?

The natural question that arises at this crucial juncture is, will today’s Indians, especially Hindus of the 21st century, remain silent to the continuation of colonial policies?
The natural question that arises at this crucial juncture is, will today’s Indians, especially Hindus of the 21st century, remain silent to the continuation of colonial policies?

Sri Rama’s nation – Bharat Desh

The occasion of Sri Rama Navami is special in the year 2024, Hindus will celebrate the sacred festival in the newly built grand Ayodhya Rama Janmabhoomi Mandir for the first time in 500 years. Bhagwan Sri Rama is not only an Avatara, he is also a Raja Ram whose rule is celebrated as Rama Rajya. Some people believe that on 22nd January 2024, Ayodhya Rama Mandir Pran Pratishtha will herald the cultural revival of Bharat. Therefore this is the right time to reflect on Sri Rama’s nation – Bharat Desh and raise a few questions.

Indians demand a revision in the Constitution of India; India’s 1950 Constitution and British colonial laws perpetuated by `British Indians or Brown Sahibs’ in India post 1947, deny `Equal Rights to Hindus’. India is neither `democratic’ nor `secular’ in the true sense of the terms as Hindus continue to demand minimum `equal rights’, these demands have been pending for decades.

Even as the Govt is reverting back to `Bharat’ as the official name of the nation, we need to ask pertinent questions whether the change is only going to be skin-deep, or are we as a people making sincere efforts in shedding colonial baggage and slavery of a thousand years, and emerge as a truly independent nation, in the `Amrit kal’ period of 25 years upto 2047.

Some questions!


  • How is India `secular’ when Hindu temples are under Govt control? Why are Govt of India and state Govts inactive and are not ensuring secularism with regard to Hindu temples?
  • How is India secular when lands and properties belonging to Hindu temples, mutts, etc are alienated from the Hindu religious institutions by the Govts that control the temples, reducing them to penury?
  • How is India `secular’ when state Govts are giving aid to madrasas and Christian schools etc to teach religious education?
  • Why is the Indian government’s state Govts funding religious education of foreign religions?
  • Why are the `Minorities’ Ministry, and `Minorities Commission’ functioning in India if India is secular?
  • Why is Indian Govt not funding or supporting Hindu Dharmic education? Why are Gurukuls and Vedic schools not supported by central and state Govts?
  • Why are so-called minority institutions of higher education such as AMU ( Aligarh Muslim University) and Jamia Millia University thriving in India with Govt funds? Why is Govt funding such institutions if India is secular?
  • Why are schools and hostels for `minorities’ being run in several states by state Govts?
  • If India is secular, why are reserved categories people belonging to especially SC & ST communities given reservations after religious conversions to foreign religions?
  • If India is secular, why are Hindus being converted with the active connivance of Western countries? Why is Indian Govt silent on religious conversions of the native Hindus?
  • If India is secular, why are religious personal laws allowed and practiced in India? Why is there no uniform civil code that is applicable to people of all religions?
  • How is it a secular country when some state Govts are funding the refurbishing and building of churches, indirectly enabling religious conversions of only Hindus?
  • How is it a secular country when some state Govts are providing monthly remuneration to pastors of thousands of churches, indirectly enabling religious conversions of only Hindus?
  • How is it a secular country when some state Govts are providing monthly remunerations to Imams and helpers in mosques?
  • How is it a secular country when state Govts have special depts. called as `Minority Finance Corporations’ only for the sake of `minorities’, again indirectly helping religious conversions of Hindus?
  • How is it a secular nation when some state Govts have even more special depts. called as `Christian Minority Finance Corporations’, especially for Christians, indirectly enabling religious conversions of only Hindus?
  • How is it a secular country, when the central Govt gives a few religious communities the status of `minorities’, completely excluding Hindus? How is it secular when this category of `minorities’ is applicable all over the country, irrespective of the actual numbers of those communities in a particular state or region in the country?
  • How is it a secular country, where the Hindus are forced to eat `halal’ certified products of both vegetarian and non-vegetarian varieties, which are certified by private Islamic agencies?
  • How is it a secular country when people refuse to follow the rules of institutions in terms of wearing uniforms and conducting dharnas on the streets blocking the cities?
  • How is it a secular country when a particular community descends to street fights and blocks cities when the Indian Govt wished to provide a one-time relief for a mere few thousand hapless impoverished Hindu and Sikh refugees who have been driven out from the neighboring Islamic countries, which were partitioned out of India?


  • How is India a democracy, when the Indian constitution creates inequalities in the name of religion?
  • If India is a democracy, then why is every citizen not equal? Why does the Indian constitution (Constituent Assembly) create categories of `minorities’, especially in the background of the Hindu holocaust where an estimated 2 million Hindus were killed during the partition of Hindustan?
  • How is India a democracy, when foreign religions of invaders and colonials are given `minority status’?
  • How is India a democracy, when there are no laws to ban `cow slaughter’, which is absolutely against Indian ethos? Why does the Indian constitution not ban `cow slaughter’, which is a democratic right of all Hindus?
  • How is India a democracy when there are no common/uniform laws for all people in India?
  • How is India a democracy, when there is no religious equality in India?
  • Why didn’t India take away all the lakhs of acres of land given to Christian agencies by the colonial British and lakhs of acres of land given away to Muslim agencies by Muslim kings in the past?
  • How is it a democracy when so-called minorities are allowed to increase their respective populations in a state or region by active conversions, resulting in huge demographic changes, where Hindus have been reduced to a minority status?
  • How is India a democracy when illegal infiltrators of a particular community, which is a majority in an islamic country across the eastern border, are surreptiously helped in the infiltration, which results in demographic subversion of many border states and even far-off states in India?
  • How is India a democracy when the Indian state is silent when massive demographic changes effected by active infiltrations and religious conversions create religious vote-banks which in-turn dictate the electoral results in many regions of the country?
  • How is India a democracy when a few Abrahamic religious communities in some areas/regions actively ghettoize themselves to impose their diktat in those localities?
  • How is India a democracy when India’s own knowledge systems and traditions like Ayurveda are questioned and vilified by some agencies?

How do Hindus regain their Dharmic, Territorial, and Cultural Rights in their own homelands?

Indigenous Religious Rights of Hindus

  • Is there any country in the world that doesn’t give primacy to its own culture and religion as India does?
  • Why is India contravening and flouting the UN charter on protecting the indigenous cultural rights of the native Hindus of the country?
  • Why are thousands of Hindu temples that have been destroyed by Muslim invaders and Christian colonials not restored, revived, and given back to Hindus? (The struggle to restore one historic temple of Ayodhya Srirama Janmabhumi took nearly 500 years, including court cases spread over 150 years).

Territorial Land Rights of Hindus

The lakhs of hectares of precious lands that have been given away to Muslim waqf and mosques, and to churches of various denominations, and church-managed schools, colleges, universities, training institutes, etc by the Islamic and British colonial rulers, have neither been taken back by the Govt nor were these lakhs of places asked to pay back the actual land costs to the Govt, thus denying Hindus the legitimate democratic territorial rights of their own lands.

Indigenous Cultural Rights of Hindus

  • Hindu civilization, the only surviving ancient civilization of the world, has been denied its place of pride in its own homeland, Bharat.
  • The world’s most ancient as well as sacred language, Sanskrit, the treasure-house of Bharat, in which great scriptures of knowledge are written (The Vedas, Upanishads, Great scriptures, Puranas, Epics, the multiple great philosophical schools of thought) have been kept out of reach of ordinary Indians as Sanskrit is not taught as a primary language in schools in India).
  • The ancient Bharatiya knowledge systems- including Physical and Biological Sciences, Astronomy and Mathematics, Medical Sciences like Ayurveda, Yoga, etc, Arts, languages, grammar and literature, metallurgy, chemistry, sculpture and architecture, Time calculation (panchang) etc are all written in Sanskrit, and Indians have been systematically denied its knowledge, as independent India followed the British policy of annihilation of Hindu Sciences and Sanskrit, terming it a `dead’ language.
  • The deliberate distortion and denial of Hindu History, itihasa, time periods, and chronology, a policy set by the British, was followed intact and in toto by the `British Indians’ or the `brown sahibs’, denying Indians the knowledge of their own history and heritage.
  • The multiple deliberate distortions of the British aided by Christian clergy in India, especially in southern India, have invented many fake theories like `Aryan Invasion Theory’, `Caste’ theories, `Indigenous people/ adivasi/mool nivasi’ theories, `Dravidian’ theologies, Anti- Hindu/ Anti-brahmin/Anti-Sanskrit theories etc, all of which have been continued in toto by the `Brown sahibs’ of India.

Why were British anti-Hindu policies and politics continued by the brown sahibs post-1947?

The Congress party’s hegemony continued in India’s national politics after 1947 and well into the 21st century; As is well-known today, India attained only a Dominion Status and not real Independence in 1947 (the Dominion of India and Dominion of Pakistan were formed after partition of India), accompanied by the horrendous tragedy of Partition of Akhand Bharat and Hindu Holocaust with an estimated 2 million Hindus massacred during 1946-48. The British passed the `India Independence Act’ in the British Parliament, through which the Partition of India was effected and only a formal `Transfer of Power’ occurred between the British rulers and the Congress party. The last viceroy Mountbatten continued as the first Governor-General of India. It is supposed that India attained Independence after it declared itself as a Republic on 26th January 1950. However, more problematic issues like policies and politics of colonial British India which were largely anti-Hindu continued with no break from the British colonial past. The 1935 Govt of India Act, British laws, bureaucracy, judiciary, parliamentary system, systems of governance, culture and language policies, and many more issues continued either totally, partially, or with some amount of tweaking post-1947.

The mighty Indian state has never shown the courage or gumption to restructure the polity or governance or policies; there never was an emphasis on giving Hindus their rightful place socially and culturally as brown sahibs continued British policies. Presumably, the Hindu population which was completely marginalized during the British period was sanguine or resigned itself to the established pseudo-secular, casteist, and soft-separatist politics of the Congress party for several decades. The natural question that arises at this crucial juncture is, will today’s Indians, especially Hindus of the 21st century, remain silent to the continuation of colonial policies? Will Hindus address the systematic marginalization that they were subjected to post-1947 too, will they rise and seek their rightful space in their own nation?

May Bhagwan Sri Rama help Bharat.

1. Text in Blue points to additional data on the topic.
2. The views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of PGurus.

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