Abhijit Iyer-Mitra on Tablighi Jamaat status in Uzbekistan Kazakhstan

Abhijit Iyer-Mitra suggests three action items that would ensure that Police are not seen as being afraid to act. Why is Tablighi Jamaat banned in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan? Hard-hitting and thought-provoking, a must-see for everyone.

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  1. Hats off to you both Abhijith and Iyerji for very bold discussion. I fully agree that all over India not just police but most of the non muslimsl are scared to action because the community is lawless . The muslims are always ready to pick a fight .They have nothing to loose. Great video for keeping it straight forward . We Indians ourself are not ready to fight and fix issues but expect others to fix them for us which will never happen .Even a small country like Malasia can comment on us to blackmail on HR issues. We need to change our attitude , things will not sort out them self , we need to take head on and fix. When modiji instigated all media towards kejriwal on migrants issue I mentioned primary issue was foreigners and air travellers . Modiji failed 2 in a row that too outrageously regarding Shaheen bagh and Delhi riots , now Tabligi. The worst thing is NSA coming down on knees. I dont know what they want to show to world . May be some Islamic certificate !!!.

  2. Very good.

    When Abhijit criticises Modi, I felt it is out of helplessness rather than anger. We can’t have one too many repeat incidents like Shaheen Bhag or Markaz or Delhi riots to learn our lessons.

    It definetly looked strange that NSA had to meet Tablighi head to make them move out of Nizamuddin. But, do we know what exactly transpired in the background? Earnestly hope there is strict action againsst violators of rule of law. Will that happen????

  3. Listening to Abhijit one only has to suffer the pain and ignominy to hear on the incompetencies and utter idiocy of the government against an obvious national threat. Any nation that has the police at the mercy of organised groups would throw away the trust of the people. This has already happened and that is why every Indian would take the first chance accorded to run away to migrate elsewhere to another country. The NSA has become the biggest beggar and the 56″ of the PM is only all fat tissues mostly hiding in Amit Shah. BJP has proven itself as a ‘talk and talk’ party with galless leaders. Doing what Yogi Adithyanath is doing or even putting Sadhvi Pragya to handle national security. Unmitigated violence is what that got the Muslims to overwhelm the the Hindus when they first attacked India who only thoght that even in war to be fair and just. Hindus must learn to now reciprocate with unimaginable violence as a means to end this well calibrated internationally supported takeover of Hindu India.


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