Wholehearted felicitations to PGurus for having commenced separate and, sure, committed websites for Hindi and Tamil posts, a discovery chanced upon for instance as follows:
A fervent, though finite, digging into the web for a probable Hindi “original” of the clearly Hindi/Bolly(wood)-centric current cartoon, led to these sites (links), the twitter sites of PGurus & Sree Iyer lending in this a very helping hand:
Evidently, a happy (meta)morphosis is occurring, eg, the 3 above to 1, and 4 to 2. At the same time, won’t it suit better the occasion for PGurus itself to say this outwardly, in a widespread manner, in its “default”/most-read English pages?
Wholehearted felicitations to PGurus for having commenced separate and, sure, committed websites for
Hindi and Tamil posts, a discovery chanced upon for instance as follows:
A fervent, though finite, digging into the web for a probable Hindi “original” of the clearly Hindi/Bolly(wood)-centric current cartoon, led to these sites (links), the twitter sites of PGurus & Sree Iyer lending in this a very helping hand:
1. https://tamil.pgurus.com/
2. https://hindi.pgurus.com/
3. https://www.pgurus.com/category/tamil/
4. https://www.pgurus.com/category/hindi/
Evidently, a happy (meta)morphosis is occurring, eg, the 3 above to 1, and 4 to 2. At the same time, won’t it suit better the occasion for PGurus itself to say this outwardly, in a widespread manner, in its “default”/most-read English pages?
Voila! bravo!! keep it up!!!
Where’s the depiction of the main guy who brought out all this? The victim Passport Officer Mr.Vikas Mishra.