Every time the Opposition seems to be losing, it resorts to such tactics

Every time the Opposition seems to be losing, it resorts to such tactics

Every time the Opposition seems to be losing, it resorts to such tactics
Every time the Opposition seems to be losing, it resorts to such tactics


  1. Drunken nuts. Now very little or NO sympathy for these farmers. They have become greedy lot. If you cannot practice your profession, resign & choose some other. Others will come take yours. In what way are these farmers different from construction workers or factory workers, everyone is working & they do not get any freebies, they also sweat, manufacture something for others to consume or use. You get based on what your past karma – is this not our religion saying it “n” number of times. It is only Rakshasas who often exercised their right on “Indra” lok. These farmers are no different from those Rakshasas.


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