Mandatory Vaccination, Informed Consent, & Vaccine Passports. What does Sanatan Dharma say?

Pt Satish K Sharma digs into Vedas and other texts to unearth how India vaccinated its population, what does Sanatan Dharma say about Mandatory Vaccination, Informed Consent, and Vaccine Passports?

Pt Satish K Sharma digs into Vedas and other texts to unearth how India vaccinated its population, what does Sanatan Dharma say about Mandatory Vaccination, Informed Consent, and Vaccine Passports? Are we moving towards a “Digital Concentration Camp” or already there? How many know that India was the first country to vaccinate its people?

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  1. Pandit Satish Sharma ji present strong and coherent arguments against Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Passports and Digital Concentration Camps based on Dharma with some excellent quotes from Katha Upanishad and The Bhagavadgita! His 3-points to ponder:
    1. Human rights are inviolable
    2. Religious rights are protected
    3. NO-NO to Digital Concentration Camps
    are really the points every human on the planet needs to be reflecting and discussing today.

    Just one point to add. The vaccination of India, the Ayurvedic one for Smallpox was highly scientific and involved 3 steps: prepare the patient, induce the disease, cure the disease. The steps were very clear and actually produced the intended disease in the patient who had already been prepped to bear it, then the Vaidya set about to cure it.

    However, what we call “vaccination” today, which comes from Edward Jenner’s copy of the Ayurvedic vaccination is highly defective and anti-scientific. None of the virologists’ papers claiming virus isolation contain control experiments. The viral genome is assembled by a computer program from bits of sequences derived from millions of particles that are actually artefacts from cell decay and death. Nobody ever found a whole virion or viral genome in nature.

    And, most importantly, the genetic material they maintain is an “inactivated virus” cannot sustain in the human body even for a few microseconds – it is immediately neutralized by the body. Hence, QED: There is no vaccine here. However, virologists now add “adjuvants” which are inorganic/metallic substances to this genetic matter to protect it from instant destruction. It is these adjuvants, being inorganic and metallic, damage body tissue thus necessitating the body to produce Globulins. These globulins are then called “Immunoglobulins” by these people under the assumption they are now creating “immunity”. In reality, these Globulins are triggered to seal the tissue damage heaped by the inorganic and metallic substances.

    – Virus isolation is just a bad experiment (without negative controls)
    – foreign genetic material does not survive in the human body
    – adjuvants damage human body

    Hence the current day vaccines are anti-scientific.

    Next to that, there is a new breed of “vaccines” that hit the stands these days. These are not vaccines at all. They are gene-therapy. They trick the body into producing producing some proteins which the body itself has to recognize as harmful and neutralize!! From a drug control perspective, Governments should have required strict testing for this gene-therapy, but unfortunately, the Governments are dealing with them just as they deal with traditional (“inactivated virus”) vaccines. And, in both cases, there are NO pharmacokinetic studies for adjuvants because they are not the vaccine! Therefore, nobody will ever know what damage they do to the body.

  2. Vaccination seems good now. Nobody is certain how good it will be after some time. It is the need of the hour to protect the biggest capital that is human beings. Vaccination seems to be the easiest solution. There are other ways as per ancient practices of Hindus like making your body digest all such viruses by a lifestyle of consuming snake poison in very minute quantities under a competent master where blood is poisonous enough to absorb the virus. Arjun Dev Nasa


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