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For me what is important is that we penetrated Pakistani airspace, dropped 1000 kg bomb, fired missiles on Pak territory and returned unscathed.


For me what is important is that we penetrated Pakistani airspace, dropped 1000 kg bomb, fired missiles on Pak territory and returned unscathed.   I  don't...
ICICI: Role of its Directors

ICICI: Role of its Directors

Mrs. Chanda Kochhar’s actions are in conflict with the interest of the ICICI Bank and deserve to be strictly dealt with by the RBI. While...
2G scam, Coal scam, Commonwealth scams and scams galore and not a single scratch on these crooks during the last 4 years. 

Open letter to Jaitley – Please stop protecting Congress crooks

Jaitley-Ji, who are you protecting really? The country needs to know.  Why are Chidambaram and Sonia/ Rahul Gandhi not in jail for the holocaust...
Imran Khan- A polished jihadist

Imran Khan: A polished jihadist

He can talk about peace and amity—and fraternize with the most brutal Islamists. He can wax eloquent about “civilized relationship” with India—and support the...
United States promises $5 Million reward for leads on 26/11 attackers

United States promises $5 Million reward for leads on 26/11 attackers

RFJ has announced the reward of $5 Million for any information or leads which would help arrest the individual who was directly or indirectly...
The trade war betwee the two largest economies took an interesting turn with China dumping the US for its crude needs

Crude Games – China dumps the United States for West Africa

The trade war between the two largest economies just went up a notch. In a surprise move, China has stopped buying Crude from the...
Officials look to PM Modi to rescue economy

Officials look to PM Modi to rescue economy from toxic cabal

This article has been published here with the permission of the author. Honest and patriotic officials are hopeful that Prime Minister Modi will “go beyond...
A philosophy of science “teacher” appears to have mixed up philosophy and science(2)

Liar, liar the Wire’s on fire: empirical experiences vs empirical measurements

A philosophy of science “teacher” appears to have mixed up philosophy and science thoroughly on his review of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra. We will see how. In...
Chidambaram's NSE ghotala

Chidambaram’s NSE ghotala in the language of Aam Aadmi

We have attempted here to describe the enormity of the plunder P. Chidambaram as UPA’s Finance Minister, indulged in; which spared no Indian at...
Rakhigarhi was Aryan, Mr Witzel

Rakhigarhi was “Aryan”, Mr Witzel… Part 3

The previous parts of this series ‘Part 1‘ and ‘Part 2‘ can be accessed here. This is Part 3. Cultivation of rice in India predates the IVC. The currently...


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