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The collapse of the Dutch current government means new elections have to be planned, probably in November

Dutch govt collapses after failing to agree on immigration policy between 4 coalition parties

Dutch Govt falls as coalition partners clash immigration; fresh elections likely Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has announced the collapse of his government after a...
India is ready to unlock the huge tourism potential of Kashmir to boost economic growth

G20 Tourism working group meeting

Third G20 Tourism Meeting sends a message of progress to the world By successfully organizing the third G20 Tourism working group meeting in the Kashmir...
IMF had projected India's GDP to grow at 5.9% in the current fiscal while the World Bank pegged it at 6.3%

India’s growth to hold at 5.8%; will be fastest growing major economy: UN

India continues to be ‘the bright spot’ in the world economy with ‘many positives’, the inflation has come down significantly On Tuesday the UN said...
India and EU reviewed the wide-ranging India-EU bilateral relationship detailed in the 'India-EU Strategic Partnership: A Roadmap to 2025' agreed during the 15th India-EU Summit in 2020

India, EU hold strategic partnership review meeting; condemn terrorism and violent extremism

Joint press release on fourth India-EU strategic partnership review meeting India and the European Union (EU), during their fourth strategic partnership review meeting, have underscored...
Digital Services Act requires major social media platforms to take steps to mitigate systemic risks like disinformation

EU warns Twitter over spreading disinformation and encouraging Kremlin agenda

Twitter warned of misinformation after Musk's policy shifts fuel Kremlin propaganda Elon Musk-run Twitter has been warned by the European Union (EU) over spreading disinformation...
Shabs, it’s important, let’s say VERY VERY IMPORTANT, to understand WHY INDIA IS PROGRESSING ECONOMICALLY! More important than why Pakistan IS NOT progressing

My New Letter Series – Dear PM Shehbaz, It’s Not Important Why Pakistan Is...

Dear Shehbaz, It’s more important to know WHY INDIA IS PROGRESSING! Shabby (I hope you don’t have a problem with my calling you Shabby), Love...
Indian government is planning new rules to fight pre-installed apps

India to crack down on pre-installed apps under new smartphone security rules

Can't remove your pre-installed apps? India is taking action Smartphone brands in India may soon be forced to provide an option to let users delete...
In his latest book, former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he never saw his Indian counterpart Sushma Swaraj as an “important political player”

External Affairs Minister condemns Mike Pompeo’s unsavoury remarks on Sushma Swaraj

Jaishankar hits out at Pompeo for calling Sushma Swaraj 'goofball' & "heartland political hack" Taking exception to former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s certain...
Farooq started the demographic invasion of Jammu, the government finally plans action

Supreme Court upsets applecart of Zameen Jihadis

SC refuses to stay J&K Govt’s anti-encroachment drive An ardent believer in the concept of limited accession with India and co-founder of JKLF, Farooq Abdullah,...
Considering headwinds arising on the external front & its possible spillovers on the Indian economy, we expect GDP growth to be around 6.1% in FY24

Indian economy to grow at 7% in FY23, 6% in FY24: National Statistical Office

Economists opine the GDP growth to moderate to 6 - 6.1 percent in FY24 On Friday the National Statistical Office (NSO) said that the Indian...


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