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Grapevine in Social Media about PM Narendra Modi

Grapevine in Social Media about PM Narendra Modi

Beware of the messages you get in WhatsApp groups and other social media sites. Majority of them are fake news A blitzkrieg has been launched...
A critical look at Demonetisation and its effects

Demonetisation: Success Or Failure?

Since demonetisation has impacted the lives of every living Indian like no other move has in independent India, it is one of the most...
If private cell phone carrier options are available, why not private currencies to compete with government money?

Demonetization Has Opened A Window Of Opportunity For Modi

In a televised address to the nation on September 21, 2012, the then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh told the people of India that “Money...
A first hand account of 96 hours since demonetization of 500, 1000 rupee notes in India

All is well – 500/ 1000 a distant memory

8th November 2016 It was an extraordinary day for me in many ways The Morning phone call made me to stop all my work and proceed...
Bihar polls: Where Black Money will rule the roost

Bihar polls: Where Black Money will rule the roost

Navin Upadhyay New Delhi Despite black money emerging as a cause célèbre in the last Lok Sabha polls, the upcoming Bihar assembly polls...
Full text of SIT Recommendations

Full text of SIT Recommendations

Recommendations of SIT on Black Money as Contained in the Third SIT Report  Misuse of exemption on Long Term Capital gains tax for money laundering...


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