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#EP147 EU says J&J vaccine OK subject to restrictions, Tesla hiring in India, India's COVAXIN Demonstrates 100% Efficacy against severe COVID 19 & overall 78%, Australia tears up the Belt and Road Initiative with Beijing & more

EP 147: EU says J&J vaccine OK subject to restrictions, FPI soars to India,...

Sree Iyer: Good Morning and Namaskar. Today is April 22, 2021, and this is episode number 147 of Daily Global Insights with Sri and...
With the world's largest vaccine programme opening up for people above18 years from May 1, Modi urges vaccine manufacturers to scale up the production

PM Modi urges manufactures to gear up the production of vaccines in shortest time....

Modi assured all possible support and smooth approval process for vaccine candidates which are currently under trial phase With the Covid pandemic raging across many...
Crime Spreads across many cities: Shots Fired at National Guard Members in Minneapolis, Six more Rafales ship to India, J&J vaccine rethink, China accuses US & Japan of gagging & more

EP 145: 6 more Rafales ship to India, J&J vaccine rethink, China accuses US...

Sree Iyer: Namaskar, Welcome to Daily Global Insights edition 145, with Sridhar Chityala and Sree Iyer. Today is Monday the 19th of April 2021....
Under the third phase of the vaccination drive commencing next month, all above 18 years will be vaccinated

India opens Covid vaccination to all above 18 years from May 1. State Governments...

India decided to vaccinate all above 18 years from May 1 Amid the surging of the Covid pandemic, India on Monday decided to vaccinate all...
J & J vaccine pulled out; US troops to leave Afg by Sept, India to clarify Sea Laws & EEZ, Maryland state withdraws bill depicting Swastika as a hate symbol & more!

EP141: J&J vaccine pulled out; US troops to leave Afghanistan by Sept, India to...

Sree Iyer: Hello and welcome to Daily Global Insights by Sri and Sree. Today is the 14th of April and this is episode 141....
Iran Nuclear site damage, India-Japan 2+2, China refuses to pull back from Gogra, Hot Springs, Modem chips detected in ESS DS200 EVM in Antrim County, Michigan and more

EP 139: India, Japan to hold 2+2 talks, China official admits vaccine is poor...

Sree Iyer: Namaskar, this is April 12, 2021. Episode 139 of Daily Global Insights by Sri and Sree. I am with Sridhar Chityalaji and...
EP137 Indian Vaccine Diplomacy win for India in Uruguay, China warns the US on Olympics, Iran: No talks until all sanctions lifted, Modi government approves 4500 Crore Scheme for Solar PV modules & more!

EP137 Indian Vaccine Diplomacy win for India in Uruguay, China warns US on Olympics...

 Sree Iyer:  Namaskar and welcome to PGurus Channel. This is Daily Global Insights, episode 137, today is the 8th of April 2021. Hello and...
Rafales Armed with MICA flying in Ladakh, Japan powers up strategic Indian Islands, White House walks back 19 Million Jobs claim, Vaccine for all from April 19? Biden plans, & more

EP-136 Rafales Armed with MICA flying in Ladakh, Vaccine for all from April 19?...

Sree Iyer: Namaskar, April 7th, episode number 136 of Daily Global Insights. I am with Sridhar Chityalaji.  Sridharji, namaskar and welcome to PGurus Channel. Sridhar...
India widens its vaccination program, includes everyone 45 years and above

India rolling out Covid-19 vaccines for all above 45 years of age from April...

GOI announces COVID-19 vaccines for all people above 45 years of age The Government of India (GOI) on Tuesday announced that from April 1, all...


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