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#EP147 EU says J&J vaccine OK subject to restrictions, Tesla hiring in India, India's COVAXIN Demonstrates 100% Efficacy against severe COVID 19 & overall 78%, Australia tears up the Belt and Road Initiative with Beijing & more

EP 147: EU says J&J vaccine OK subject to restrictions, FPI soars to India,...

Sree Iyer: Good Morning and Namaskar. Today is April 22, 2021, and this is episode number 147 of Daily Global Insights with Sri and...
Adani Ports out of S & P 500 Index over its ties with Myanmar, India is the largest importer of Crude from the US, 1500 illegals crossing in from the US per day and Portland & Minnesota are on the boil

EP 140: Almost 1500 are illegally crossing into the US, India is the biggest...

Sree Iyer: Namaskar, it is April 13th episode number 140 of Daily Global Insights by Sri and Sree. Here are the main points: 1500...
Biden proposes a corporate tax hike to 28% and 21% on profits earned abroad; will this get rid of Tax havens for good? Seeks to restore H1-B visas (good for India) and uncontrolled rise of COVID across the world.

EP-131: Biden’s $2.25T stimulus package raises Corp tax to 28%/ 21%; Tax havens to...

 Sree Iyer: Hello, and welcome to Daily Global Insights with Sri and Sree. Today is the 1st of April 2021, and this is episode...
Top Headlines 1. India surpasses Russia to become the Fourth largest in FX Reserves giving the country much needed strategic advantage at $580 Billion 2. US moves to #2 as the leading supplier of Crude pushing Saudi to Number #4 3. White House weighs Tax Hikes to pay for beyond the $1.9T Stimulus Package 4. Taliban to attend the Russian Hosted Afghanistan meeting, March 18th 5. Wall Street reaches Record highs with optimism around Economy reopening from the Pandemic #Ep119 #DailyGlobalInsights

EP-119: Bidenomix – Tax Peter to Treat Paul? US is India’s #2 Crude supplier,...

  Sree Iyer: Hello and Namaskar. This is episode number 119 of Daily Global Insights. And I'm with Sridhar Chityala. It's the 16th of March...
EP-107: US orders airstrikes in Syria; China insists on anal swabs of newly arriving US Diplomats & then apologizes, GOP Congressmen want US to boycott 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing & India-Pak agreement

EP107 US orders strikes against Syria, China insists on taking anal swabs of US...

Or Listen it on the go PGurus Podcast · EP-107 US orders strikes against Syria, China insists on anal swabs of US Diplomats, then...
EP 102: Biden's plan for 11 Million illegal immigrants, Stimulus check update and markets

EP 102: Biden’s plan for 11 Million illegal immigrants, Stimulus check update and markets

 Sree Iyer: Namaskar and welcome to episode number 102 of Daily Global Insights. Today is February 19th and I have with me Sridhar Chityalaji...
EP 100: Dems move to pass Stimulus Bill; Trump rips into McConnell, Bitcoin crosses 50K #DailyGlobalInsights

EP 100: Dems move to pass Stimulus Bill; Trump rips into McConnell, Bitcoin crosses...

Sree Iyer: Hello and welcome to episode number 100. Today is the 17th of February 2021. And welcome Sridharji my co-panellists, namaskar sir, and...
#DailyGlobalInsights​ #EP92​ Trump impeachment, Stimulus update, Student Loan cancellation, China action and more!

#EP92​ Trump impeachment, Stimulus update, Student Loan cancellation, China action and more!

  Sree Iyer: Hello and welcome to PGurus Channel. This is Episode Number 92, the 5th of February and I'm joined by Sridhar Chityalaji. Sridharji, ...
#DailyGlobalInsights #EP76 Biden's 10-day agenda, 4-pronged focus, Honduras caravan, Lady Gaga, J Lo, Tom Hanks & more!

#EP76 Biden’s 10-day agenda, 4-pronged focus, Honduras caravan, Lady Gaga, J Lo, Tom Hanks...

Sree Iyer: Hello and welcome to episode number 76, today is January 18 2021. I'm your host Sree Iyer and joining me is Sridhar...
#WeekdayNewsCapsule #Episode38 US Elections, Yellen Treasury Sec - what it means and more

#WeekdayNewsCapsule Episode 38 US Elections, Yellen Treasury Sec – what it means and...

Sree Iyer: Hello and welcome to PGurus Channel, I am your host  Sree Iyer. This is news capsule for episode 38. I am with...


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