Stringent Sec 118A implemented in Left ruled Kerala’s Police Act to deal with offending & defamatory Social Media posts

New controversial Sec 118A implemented by State Govt empowers police to take action against any social media posts which are offensive and defamatory

New controversial Sec 118A implemented by State Govt empowers police to take action against any social media posts which are offensive and defamatory
New controversial Sec 118A implemented by State Govt empowers police to take action against any social media posts which are offensive and defamatory

Communist who preach Liberal values in silent mode

In Left-parties-ruled Kerala, a very stringent amendment in the Kerala Police Act has been implemented from Saturday to curb the offensive and defamatory social media posts and the offenders will face five years in jail, Rs.10,000 fine, or both. The controversial Section 118A was added to Kerala Police Act through an ordinance two months ago and now Governor has given consent to it on November 21, ignoring widespread protests against the most stringent provision. Kerala’s ruling party led by CPI(M) and its Polit Bureau member Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and his colleagues were facing all sort of criticisms and allegations for the past one year. This might have tempted the State Government led by the Left parties to come out with such a stringent rule to curb the social media posts blaming Government, the ruling party, and its leaders.

What is Section 118A?

As per the new Section 118A in the Kerala Police Act, police are empowered to register cases against offensive, intimidating, and defamatory content spread on social media platforms including WhatsApp Groups, Twitter, and Facebook. This new controversial provision implemented by the freedom and liberal values preaching Left-party-led Government empowers police to take action against any social media posts which are offensive and defamatory. Many legal experts like T G Mohandas, who petitioned to Governor Arif Mohammed Khan point out that this would empower police to decide the defamatory nature of a social media post by one person against another. Many experts say this would be challenged in a Court of law and is fundamentally against the established rules in defamation cases in India.

What Communists who preach on liberal values have to say when their own government passes such stringent laws, which are detrimental to basic freedom of expression enshrined in the Indian constitution?

CPI(M) facing heat in the Gold Smuggling Scam

Kerala is also going to have Assembly elections in May 2021 along with Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, and Assam and the Left parties in Kerala is facing its worst days with a tsunami of allegations against Chief Minister Pinrayi Vijayan and his trusted man Kodiyeri Balakrishnan, who just a few days ago relinquished from the State CPI(M) Secretary’s post. Vijayan is facing allegations after his Principal Secretary caught in gold smuggling through UAE’s Embassy’s diplomatic bags and Balakrishnan is facing heat after his son is arrested for involving in the narcotics trade. PGurus reported these incidents in detail[1].

What about FoE?

Here the question is, what Communists who preach on liberal values have to say when their own government passes such stringent laws, which are detrimental to basic freedom of expression (FoE) enshrined in the Indian constitution? It must be remembered that after Supreme Court struck down the infamous Section 66A from the IT Act, the State Government ruled by Left parties have shown such an audacity to bring new Section 118A in the State Police Act. The liberal-values-preaching-Communists are now like Ostrich birds putting their heads in the sand after this amendment is brought by their own Government in Kerala.


[1] Communists in deep silence after two Politburo members face controversies in gold smuggling and narcotics tradeNov 1, 2020,

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  1. The blame squarely rests on the Spineless Central Govt headed by BJP.

    The Principal Secretary (who was chosen by the CM himself) of the Chief Minister has been apprehended

    Phone calls to the accused in this case have emanated / received from/by CMO

    There are ample evidences to link the CM himself to the series of Gold Smuggling Activities.

    Propriety demands the CM should quit – failing which Center should sack him – or at least keep the Assembly in Suspended Animation.

    The Smuggler CM is orchestrating “alibis” & ‘preemptive strikes to show the center is targeting him”

  2. Where there is will, there is a way. Social media posts can be be presented by NRIs or PIO from any country in the world. What are W Post, NY times, BBC, AFP, AP are doing ? They are peddling false narratives on India thru slave minded Indian based journalists. Govnt of India thru their consulates can encourage the bloggers/ posters. This law is confined to a finger size state in India and also can be challenged in court. BJP are in Stone Age regarding media briefings. At least they can appoint overseas marketing agent to tell the world the true picture of India.

    • “Govnt of India thru their consulates can encourage the bloggers/ posters.”

      — Do our Consulates do so, really? Just see what has been happening of late in the Toronto Indian Consulate: it is inviting the ‘historians’ Devdutt Pattanaik and William Dalrymple to the three-day JLF Toronto Literary fest scheduled for November 27 to 29, 2020:

      The occasion is the Hindu Heritage Month, and the invitees are identified by netizens in abundant terms such as “rabid Hindu haters & mockers as well as Bharat abusers & breakers”.

      While the netizens’ lashing out response is very much welcome and required, what ultimately matters is the ground level rising up of people everywhere, every time Bharat is threatened by abuse etc, and maintaining & exhibiting an unabating tone of vigil even otherwise. Primarily essential for all this to happen is our genuine Sanatani heritage being owned up & handed down through our generations.

  3. True face of the totaltarian communists who use freedom of democracies to pursue their goal of establishing dictatorship in the garb of left liberalism. Absence of dissent is the hallmark of communists who erase the the opposition completely from the landscape but cry foul about any move to curb divisive forces working against the country’s security and sovereignty.

  4. Actually, PGurus could have done even better by adding another of their previous posts to their ‘References’ section:

    And the below Comment would be an adaptation of the one wrt the above previous post:

    What kind of preachers on liberal values would pass such stringent laws detrimental to the FoE enshrined in our Constitution? When their desired sociocultural-cum-moral standard is abysmally too low to acquire a Sanatani (eg, ‘vasudhaiva kutumbakam’ & ‘lokāh samastāh sukhino bhavantu’) outlook, everyone can easily see their aspirations as the scenic “pigs flying with the tails forward”. Persons déraciné and actively snapping the very branch they’ve been part of & perched upon— like the legendary Kalidasa— fancy all the while that they’ve grown angelic wings and transcend all barriers and reign supreme across all realms.


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