Subramanian Swamy files appeal in Supreme Court against Uttarakhand HC judgment ratifying the takeover of 51 temples by State Government

Swamy challenges the Uttarakhand HC judgment in the Supreme Court is blatantly unconstitutional

Swamy challenges the Uttarakhand HC judgment in the Supreme Court is blatantly unconstitutional
Swamy challenges the Uttarakhand HC judgment in the Supreme Court is blatantly unconstitutional

BJP leader Subramanian Swamy on Thursday filed an appeal in Supreme Court against the Uttarakhand High Court’s judgment ratifying the takeover of 51 temples by the State Government including the Kedarnath and Badrinath temples. In his detailed appeal, Swamy pointed out that the temple takeover by the State through an Act – Char Dham Devasthanam Management Act, was blatantly unconstitutional. He said that the temple takeover through the Act has violated Article 31 A(1)(b), Article 25 and 26 of the Indian Constitution. Article 31 is regarding the right of private ownership, Article 25 and 26 empowers religious institutions and believers’ right to manage and conduct their institutions.

In July Uttarakhand High Court ratified the BJP ruled State Government’s new Act to take over the 51 temples[1]. After filing the appeal in Supreme Court, Subramanian Swamy tweeted:

Citing many Supreme Court judgments and his case on Nataraja Temple judgment, Swamy argued that the High Court did not consider the apex court’s judgments against the temple takeovers by Government. Supreme Court in many judgments said that the Government can’t take over a temple for an unspecified time and should be limited only to rectify the complaints on administration and mismanagement and has to return back.

Swamy also pointed out that the controversial Act has made provision for the Chief Minister to be the head of the Board and if the Chief Minister is not a Hindu, the senior-most Hindu Minister has to be appointed as head of the Char Dham Devasthanam Management Board. He also pointed out there are so many nonvalid provisions of making MLAs and MPs in the Board and posting of IAS office as Chief Executive Officer of the Board. The appeal pointed out that there are provisions suggesting the approval of the CEO in the appointment of priests of temples. Supreme Court is expected to list the appeal in the coming weeks. Many priests are protesting against the BJP ruled State Government’s controversial Act along with many Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) workers for the past 1 year in many parts of Uttarakhand[2].


[1] Uttarakhand High Court ratifies the Char Dham Act takeover of 51 temples including Kedarnath and Badrinath by the State GovernmentJul 22, 2020,

[2] Protesting at Kedarnath shrine since June, priest airlifted to AIIMS as his health deterioratesSep 07, 2020, Hindustan Times

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  1. India needs to distinguish between India’s minorities and other countries minorities.

    In India, some minorities are global majorities and can call on a global band of brothers. That’s unlike, say with Native Americans or Yazide.

  2. PM Narendra Modi has some hidden agenda in the 51 Temple-takeover Bill. Why he did he do it? Hope Subramanian Swamy wins this case.

  3. Subramanian Swamy files appeal in Supreme Court against Uttarakhand HC judgment ratifying the takeover of 51 temples by State Government. Well done Dr.Subramanian Swamy.

    In Gujarat, Modi as CM in his state was touted as” Hindutva laboratory” !
    I do not think BJP ruled Uttarakhand State Government is a laboratory to take over all temples in the country!

    How can an IAS servile bureaucrat as a CEO without having knowledge in Agama-sastras appoint a priest in temples?!

    It seems BJP/ RSS as a political party do not have any works to do but tinker with peoples sentiments.
    Why on earth BJP fails to bring out its own Economic policies in the states and at the center ruled by it? How long BJP fills voters belly with slogans?

    Uttarakhand State is a sensitive province and why BJP intends to play still temple politics?
    Why not play politics on good infra, environment, farming, job generation and hi-tech law and order infra politics?


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