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Visible united Hindus in the Twin Cities and other U.S. communities

Hindu communities in US finally making a visible mark Hindu immigrants in the United States are finally making a visible mark and becoming active in...

Twist in anti-India city councils Saga: The buck stops in Chicago.

Thank you Chicago CC from the bottom of Indian American hearts By July 2020, after Seattle, Cambridge, San Francisco, Hamtramck in Michigan the anti-India resolution...

Zakaria and his anti-India coverage on CNN inspired by the Freedom...

Zakaria & FH report has failed to recognize that emerging new India deserves respect What an appalling act by CNN host Fareed Zakaria discrediting India...

My letter series: Dear Chicago Council…If They Don’t Have Bread, Let...

We can sit here In USA and pass judgement on the validity of such draconian laws in countries like India! It has been 2 years,...

An open letter to the St. Paul City Council

Open letter to St. Paul City Council from resident of St Paul for rescindment of Resolution 20-712 passed by the city I write to ask...

A tale of two twin cities

Seattle resolution First, it was the Seattle City Council. On Feb 3, 2020, by a vote of 5-0 (four members abstained), the Seattle City Council...


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