Mani Shankar should realize that it is because the Idea of India has been grossly distorted by his party to the distinct disadvantage of the Hindus that they are veering towards the BJP.
Suspended Congress ‘leader’ Mani Shankar Aiyar has written an opinion piece for NDTV, which incidentally is currently embroiled in a major controversy involving tax avoidance and worse.
Essentially he is arguing how the BJP has won all elections only because of a divided opposition. He is also accusing the BJP of being the very antithesis of the Idea of India.
At the outset, I want to ask him how the Idea of India gels with the flaunting of his upper caste lineage? Does it matter whether he is a jenaudhari or not? His intense love for his caste itself militates against the Idea of India. So if he wants to lay even a remote claim to the idea of India then he should first jettison his surname Aiyar; not that it will make him any more acceptable.
Is the Idea of India applauded when Muslim imams enjoin their followers not to chant Vande Mataram?
I wish to ask Mani Shankar if the idea of India wasn’t violated when armed jihadis of the valley ejected 3 lakh Hindus in a brazen attempt at effecting demographic change and his party kept quiet? Is the idea of India reinforced when Mani Shankar flies down to Pakistan and openly solicits Islamabad’s help in dislodging the democratically elected Modi government? Even the worst deshdrohi will not do such a thing. But then Mani Shankar is consumed with so much hatred for Modi and the BJP that he is willing to cohabit with the enemy. Is the idea of India celebrated when he calls Modi a “neech admi”?
Is the idea of India glorified when the Congress pilots a resolution in the Kerala legislature calling for the release of Abdul Nassir Madani, a bomb blast accused and a highly communal leader? Was the idea of India strengthened when the Congress spent thousands of crores in providing Haj subsidy?
Is the idea of India rejuvenated when encomiums are showered on Mohd Ali Jinnah, the man who called for the vivisection of the nation which resulted in the massacre and rape of millions of innocent Hindus? Was the idea of India negated when Mani Shankar’s Godfather Rajiv Gandhi ordered the opening of the locks of the Ramjanambhoomi temple? Was the idea of India fortified when the Congress backtracked on its move to give a legislative framework to the Supreme Court’s historic judgment in the Shah Bano case? Is the Idea of India applauded when Muslim imams enjoin their followers not to chant Vande Mataram, the evocative poem which the Constitutional Assembly determined to be the national song?
Is the idea of India weakened when an effort, howsoever tentative, is made to fulfil the Constitutional mandate to introduce a uniform civil code and ban cow slaughter?
Mani Shankar should realize that it is precisely because the idea of India has been grossly distorted by his party at the dirty altar of vote-bank politics to the distinct disadvantage of the Hindus that the latter are veering towards the BJP. Its percentage of votes is certain to increase in the coming years despite all talk of opposition consolidation. So much so that Mani Shankar may have to shift from Mayiladuthurai to Mianwali in Pakistan to get elected.
1. The views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of PGurus.
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He is half joker half politician.He has a visceral dislike for Hinduism and unadulterated love for Islam. He is not out of favor from Congress but the party is using him to further their interest in denegrating and dividing Hindus. These type of creatures are more dangerous than Jihadis and provide them intellectual cover to them
Mani Sankar Aiyar[MSA] clarified to Pakistan TV Host that he meant Pak. must help India democratically removing NaMo not utilizing ISI/Army force. What a Pity? Should India learn from Pak above democratic values/methods? MSA is nothing but paid Intellectual of Congress party to influence Anti Hindu views among Indians. Congress can be pardoned but MSA for generations to come.
Great rebuttal to Mani Shankr and NDTV who are amongst the pillars of the Nehruvian ecosystem…. But doubt if it will have even a bit on their thick anti Sana than dharma skin.
Mani Shankara and Ndtv will brazenly continue to espouse anti Sana than Sharna cause as long as the Indian system remains in the hands of the negativism elites directly or indirectly.
Mani Shankar has always been a sophisticated joker in congress politics. One cannot remember any worthwhile contribution from him. NOW OUT OF FAVOUR WITH THE DYNASTY HE IS TRYING TO GET INTO THE GOOD BOOKS OF THE FAMILY BY MOUTHING LIES AND POURING SCORN ON PM!! Let us not lionise this worthless man by commenting on his stupid remarks
Is this animal in form human not antithesis to life and furtherance to humanity.
I have a strong feeling that somewhere islamic (arab, persian & central asian ) blood has seeped into indian blood as these maurauders raped our women and killed our men. this feeling is because many of us share the same physical features and our preference to things from that area. Our food habits have also changed as onion , garlic and ginger, which was mainly used in Non vegetarian foods along with masalas are found to be staple in vegetarian foods all over except some parts of south India. our thinking also is in the same line as congressmen many of whom are mongerels. Nehrus and abdullahs share the same features. As it is well known central asian persian and arabs roomed and raped in Kashmir. and punjab. and the indo-gangetic plains. The first thought that comes to them is rape. The pakistani army even during the bangladesh war raped over 1million women and killed 3 million ( as per pakistani journalist ). We Indians are shy in accepting this.