The BJP government has wasted this unprecedented mandate by doing nothing to liberate the country from the slavery of pseudo-secularism
Though Ambrose Bierce cynically defined ‘Politics’ as“the conduct of public affairs for private advantage”,only ‘politics’ can be the most effective instrument of bringing transformation in any democratic country.
After the tragedy at Pulwama in February 2019, nationalists were hoping that the government would abolish Article 370 and its offshoot Article 35A. However, their hopes were shattered
And to get political power just for the sake of power serves no purpose, and is self-destructive.
After toiling hard to give an absolute majority with 282 Lok Sabha seats to BJP in 2014, BJP’s traditional supporters had expected that BJP would implement its perpetual pre-election promises of“justice to all and appeasement of none”, Uniform Civil Code, abolition of Article 370, rehabilitation of Kashmiri Hindus in Kashmir etc. etc.
Moreover, it was expected that the BJP government would dismantle the Congress-led governments’ pseudo-secular edifice; and would liberate India from the poisonous weed of pseudo-secularism.
Though the term “secularism” actually implies equality before the law for all citizens irrespective of their religion, for self-proclaimed “secular” political parties in India, anything which is anti-Hindu or pro-minority is “secularism”.
Surprisingly, after getting power on the nationalist agenda in 2014, BJP has not fulfilled any of its above-mentioned pre-election commitments.
On the contrary, like a Congress clone, BJP government has continued (and expanded) Congress-led governments anti-Hindu, discriminatory, pseudo-secular and minority-appeasing laws and policies which are destroying Hindu civilization.
BJP government has not repealed or amended any existing law to stop discrimination against Hindus and to treat Hindus at par with other communities.
The mandate of 2014 was a mandate for transforming India. But as explained below, the BJP government has wasted this unprecedented mandate by doing nothing to liberate the country from the slavery of pseudo-secularism.
Since what is done after winning elections is more important than just winning elections, BJP’s non-fulfilment of its perpetual pre-election promises and its continuation of Congress-led governments’ discriminatory laws and policies has deeply disappointed and alienated many of its loyalists who feel betrayed.
Following brief points illustrate this fact:
- “Uniform Civil Code” is forsaken
Implementation of “Uniform Civil Code” has been the constant refrain of BJP since its inception in 1980, as also of its predecessor Bharatiya Jan Sangh since its inception in 1951.
And even B.J.P.’s Election Manifesto of 2014 had promised implementation of Uniform Civil Code with the following words: “BJP reiterates its stand to draft a Uniform Civil Code.”
Moreover, though Uniform Civil Code would make India a real secular country; though Supreme Court has suggested its enactment in a number of its judgements;and though Article 44 of Indian Constitution also wants the government to implement it, B.J.P. government just abandoned this concept.
- Article 370 and Kashmiri Hindus
Though BJP’s Election Manifesto promisedabrogation of Article 370, and return of Kashmiri Hindus“to the land of their ancestors with full dignity”,BJP governmenthas done nothing in this regard.
Rather, by compromising its stand on Article 370 for which the great nationalist Dr Shyama Prasad Mukherji sacrificed his life, BJP formed a coalition government with the separatist People’s Democratic Party in Jammu and Kashmir in March 2015. This coalition continued till June 2018.
Though this Article can be repealed easily by issuing the Presidential Notification under Clause (3) of Article 370 as per Cabinet Resolution which does not require any voting in Parliament or any Constitutional amendment, whatsoever, BJP government has taken no action in this regard.
After the tragedy at Pulwama in February 2019, nationalists were hoping that the government would abolish Article 370 and its offshoot Article 35A. However, their hopes were shattered.
many of BJP’s traditional supporters feel deeply disappointed and alienated. Their lack of enthusiasm for BJP is bound to influence the elections in 2019.
- Discrimination against Hindus
Though secularism means equality before law and non-discrimination on grounds of religion, Hindu religious and educational institutions and Hindu temples are subjected to government’s interference whereas minorities enjoy full freedom in this regard.
Discrimination against Hindus is fragmenting Hindu society. To escape this discrimination, some Hindu sects proclaim that they are not Hindu. While earlier, Ramakrishna Mission had claimed itself to be a non-Hindu minority, now some Lingayats in Karnataka want to be considered as non-Hindu.
In 2016, Dr Satya Pal Singh, BJP member of Lok Sabha from Baghpat had introduced his Bill Number 226 seeking amendment of Articles 15, and Articles 25 to 30 (of Indian Constitution) to extend the religious, educational and cultural rights stipulated therein to every community, whether majority or minority. This Bill wanted to treat Hindus at par with other communities without depriving minorities of their rights.
Shockingly, BJP government did not pass this Bill and allowed it to lapse thereby continuing the discrimination against Hindus in religious, educational and cultural matters.
- Expansion of minority-appeasement
Congress-led government constituted Sachar Committee and started the Ministry of Minority Affairs in 2006; and implemented Sachar Committee’s recommendations granting scholarships, financial incentives and special schemes only for minorities; and excluding Hindus from said benefits. While in opposition, BJP condemned these policies as communal, divisive and “appeasement” of Minorities.
Surprisingly, after getting power in 2014, the BJP government has continued and expanded these minority-centric policies and is allocating thousands of crores of rupees every year for minorities.
Some of the schemes run by BJP government exclusively for minorities are named in Hindi asNai Manzil, “Padho Pradesh”,Shadi Shagun,“Naya Savera”,“Nai Udaan” etc. etc.
Besides, BJP government has expanded Multi-sectoral Development Plan for Minorities to 308 districts, naming it asPradhan Mantri Jan Vikas Karyakram.
These schemes divide the nation into majority and minority and violate the principles of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity enshrined in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution.
Though it requires just a Cabinet decision to help all deserving people irrespective of their religion and to abolish the Ministry of Minority Affairs and its policies, BJP government has continued Minority Affairs Ministry and has expanded its activities.
- Right to Education Act, 2009
“Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009”was passed by Congress-led government. This Act puts the government’s absolute control over Hindu-run schoolswhile minority-run schools are exempt from this Act.
This Act requires Hindu-run schools to provide free education (with negligible compensation from the government) to at least 25 per cent students from weaker sections and to comply with many other rigid conditions.
Since minority-run schools are exempt from this Act, it has made the cost of Hindu-run schools prohibitive shutting down thousands of Hindu-run schools all over the country.
Though education is crucial for the survival of any civilization; and though this Act is destroying Hindu-run schools, BJP government has continued this Act, and has done nothing to ensure that all schools, whether run by the majority or by minority community, are either covered by this Act, or are free from this Act.
Words. Mere words
The right of‘equality before the law’for every citizen irrespective of his religion is the basic attribute of any ‘secular’ country.
With the BJP in command, it was expected that it would implement its perpetual promises of equal rights and same laws for all Indian citizens irrespective of their religion; and that there would be no discrimination against any citizen whether belonging to a majority or to a minority community. And there would be justice for all; and appeasement of none.
But BJP’s perpetual promises remained just words. Mere words.
Till the last day of last Lok Sabha session in February 2019, nationalists were expecting that BJP government would pass Dr Satyapal Singh’s Bill number 226 of 2016 to treat Hindus at par with other communities regarding religious, educational and cultural rights. But the BJP government did not oblige.
After the tragedy at Pulwama in February 2019, nationalists were fervently hoping every day till the day of announcement of General Elections to Lok Sabha in March 2019 that BJP government would delete Article 370, the root of all problems in Kashmir. But their hopes were belied.
But ultimately, it is the general public which fights elections and decides political parties’ fate. It is notable that after getting power in 2014, BJP has not fulfilled even one of its core pre-election promises like the implementation of the uniform civil code, justice for all and appeasement of none, abolition of Article 370 and rehabilitation of Kashmiri Hindus in Kashmir etc. etc. Besides, the BJP government has continued to implement Congress-led governments’ anti-Hindu, pseudo-secular and minority-appeasing laws and policies which while in opposition, BJP used to condemn. Because of these facts, many of BJP’s traditional supporters feel deeply disappointed and alienated. Their lack of enthusiasm for BJP is bound to influence the elections in 2019.
It is tragic that BJP forgot who had voted for it and for what in 2014. It is also tragic that BJP has frittered away the massive, glorious and precious mandate it got in 2014 to liberate the country from the slavery of pseudo-secularism.
And therefore, BJP may find it difficult to get a similar mandate in 2019.
1. The views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of PGurus.
- Rightist BJP implementing leftist agenda - December 17, 2024
- “Uniform Civil Code” will save the country - July 29, 2023
- Can Hindu civilization survive so much discrimination? - February 2, 2023
Yes true Sir,
BJP could have done better to make exact equality among all religions,and could have implement civil code first.
but decision of “NOTEBANDI” get them in trouble and results nagative for common people. So wasted atleast 2 years to make tHings normal.
With uniform civil code, gov must implement “Two ChildPolicy” for all.Country is facing a big problem of population and specially the community with mughalia thoughts. After 20-30 years this trouble will become intra war situations.
Additin to this, we need to add “Creamy Layer conditions” for all type of indian reservations of ST,SC,OBC But may execpt for orphans and handicapped.
But yes,Another big issue is that Congress will never do these amendments as they cant loose their votebanks .
So we can wait and pressurise BJP to do this in next 5 years. We should also trigger thousands of twitts to PMO And various ministries. Let’s create a huge weight on their head and chest.
Er.Manmohan Singh
No one can explain why many of the serial rapists of bolly are roaming free, while RAM RAHIM AND ASARAN BABA are still in jail.
Business loans are normally unavoidable; obama waived debt burden of insurance giant AIG; we didnt waive loans of NIRAV MODI, MALLYA, and others. How can business thrive; biz creates jobs; now biz climate is dismal; JET airlines is belly up.
We often waive loans of farmers; or perhaps did for farmers ..
In spite of excessive special privileges, MODI-ji is not getting any credit either from citizens nor from Int’l community; if you read NPR.ORG, or NY TIMES, you will know how toxic their comments are. Even incINC’s communal politican, shashi tharoor who is supposed to be an educated ex-UN official is very viciously mean to BJP. How do we explain this?! All cricket players except Gambhir is not with BJP. Bolly sinha has defected.
Who has been most popular? Cricket walas and bolly walas; much more popular and rich than any BJP-wala..People made them popular; [people’s adjective is popular]. In contrast, Sadhvi Thakur has a bad reputation and is still facing many charges though out on bail.
Sh Arora-ji is again very articulate on the current crisis created to pander to the fruitless VOTE BANK that BJP is trying in vain. BJP has failed to gauge the mind set of the musal community who are notorious for clannish or primitive tribal theocracy often imposed by violent mobocracy to further their own hostile interests counter to public order and welfare time and again ever since the first lynch mob invasive species stepped into our Holy Land; the list of our lynch victims of their murderous assaults keep getting longer in the context of very many cow thefts to provoke poor cow owners among the secular public.
If there was a Hindu vote bank, this will never happen. Alas, we are not united enough to offer that to BJP.
If BJP is defeated, there will be far worse fate for the civil society moving fwd, given the long criminal record of neo-colonial anti-social communal gangs for the past 1000+ yrs or so. Hope this doesn’t happen god willing.
WE cannot blame BJP entirely. Even the citizens have been giving generous patronage to the evil elements for several centuries; We aided bolly, cricket, shridi, Teresa univ, kalam university, etc . Got what? EDN monopoly; not public service. Implicitly jizya payment long after 1947!
If BJP faces moral dilemma, we cant blame them. ?! Dharm sankat, right??!
This is a good article, expressing view point of many citizens. Yes, BJP could perform better in above mentioned areas. However I feel, govt must have challenges to bring changes due to previous govt policies, leftists people sitting in institutions and most important all other parties are just waiting for to get point to making issue against BJP.
I feel BJP got enough time of 5 yrs to overcome of above challenges and now they should deliver what they promised actually in next term
As highlighted in this excellent article, equality before law is the basic attribute of real secularism. Unfortunately, in India, the term secularism has been debased and has been equated with anti-Hinduism.
As stated in this article, it was expected that BJP government would debunk pseudo-secularism, and it would implement real secularism in keeping with BJP’s perpetual promises of equal rights and same laws for all Indian citizens irrespective of their religion; and that there would be no discrimination against any citizen whether belonging to majority or to minority community. And that there would be justice for all; and appeasement of none.
But instead of implementing real secularism, BJP government continued and expanded Congress-led governments’ anti-Hindu, discriminatory and minority-appeasing policies.
I ask Indians to wake up to the realities of the world. From the very beginning of man’s history, kings and kingdoms have expanded their territories and influence at the cost of their weaker neighbors. While Indians worked together to win their political freedom, the Imperialist Power tore India apart to keep it weak. Using the concept of Balance of Power, both the United Kingdom and the United States fully supported Pakistan’s aggressive agenda. The threats of their direct military intervention disabled India since 1948. For that reason, I don’t find fault with Prime Minister Nehru who acted as a strong advocate of Secularism to fend off the attacks on India’s Sovereignty. To the same extent, I do not find fault with Prime Minister Modi. Indians have no choice other than that of carrying the burden of Secularism on their shoulders. We are not fully prepared as a nation to change the direction of our national policy as well as foreign policy. Fortunately, India has survived all these years with the support from the Soviet Union/Russia.
I ask Indians to keep up their Spirit of Nationalism and strengthen the country from international conspiracies aiming at dismemberment of the Republic of India.
This is a superb article.
It is shocking that when BJP was in opposition, it used to condemn Congress-led governments’ anti-Hindu, pseudo-secular and minority-appeasing laws and policies. But after getting power from 2014 to 2019, BJP government has continued and has vastly expanded the Congress-led governments’ said anti-Hindu, pseudo-secular and minority appeasing laws policies. Because of this insincerity and duplicity, BJP has lost its credibility among many of its traditional supporters.
Yes I concur :
The govt failed to or was unwilling to touch two areas which has led to this sense of disappointment for its supporters
1. It has failed to pursue and conclude a single high profile corruption case. It has failed to bring out the culpability of the media which usually plays “hunting with the wolves, running with the hare” all the time. This has ensured that Modi played defensive and even apologetic to be supporting a fair and even handling of religion etc.
2. It has failed to work on execution at the state, local govt levels and the fact that the party machinery was controlled by money mandarins, deliverance on local and state govt of BJP failed to enthuse.
An excellent article.
Although the government has done an excellent job in keeping Jihadi Anti National forces in check however it has failed to remove the discriminatory Anti Hindu policies instituted by Foreigner Sonia Maino & Fake economist, Charlatan Manmohan Singh.
BJP must Remove discrimination against Hindus in 2019-2024.
They guy who has written the article seems very much impressed by his foolish intellect , I’m not a blind Modi Bhakt and feel that Article 370 should not be removed before removal of Article 35A. Article 370 allows India to keep Army there and India have international and UN support on Kashmir just because Article 370 .
The proper way to remove Article 370 is that it should be removed from constitutions of both India and Kashmir .
It is Article 35A which gives Kashmir a special status . once it is removed , Kashmiris will be bound to remove Article 370 in India’a favor.
After all BJB had a long list of To-Do list for which 5 years timeline is nothing. There is a whole infrastructure of Anti-Indians have been grown and nurtured by long congress rule , BJP needs 2 more chances to dismantle this infra. with keeping development of India on track.
BJP just did not listen or keep its words of 2014…..there are a millions who got fooled by this.. if they another mandate it must be because there is noo better alternative ..
An excellent message to the BJP Leadership…
BJP Core voters are waiting for the past 5 years hoping to see the Ram Temple in Ayodhya, abrogation of the illegal article 370, Anti Hindu RTE act.
Time is running out for Hindus who facing massive demographic assault assisted by Anti Hindu policies of the state.
As mentioned in this article, it requires just a Cabinet decision to help all deserving people irrespective of their religion, and to abolish the Ministry of Minority Affairs and its divisive policies. It does not require any legislation. Similarly, Article 370 and its offshoot Article 35A can also be abolished by the Presidential notification without any legislation. But unfortunately, BJP government has not taken any action even in these matters.
Agree with the author and just wish that BJP corrected it’s mistakes…
Hindus should be treated as their minority counter parts…else whatever development BJP boasts of will be of no use.
Basement should be strong…
I guess modi is pressurised by the Christian countries abroad….
I guess we never got freedom in the real sense…
We all must have thought Nehru got us freedom by flirting with mrs.mountbatten…(??) But the truth is after so many years …
England used Nehru to run its indirect rule in India…
Most of the defense ministers were Christians or those the foreign countries approved of..
Anthony, George Fernandes etc….
We are still slaves to the European union and USA ..
If modi agrees to Congress type of yes yes dealings he will be appreciated by the international community and if he tries to be the Swadeshi he will be targeted by the missionaries both inside and outside the country..
Modi ji is balancing international pressures along with internal pressures and thinks of development…but he fails to understand that if he wins the trust of people then India can stand strong and emerge a super power…..
The article is logical, but superficial. What Modi government has achieved in 5 years is phenomenal by any yard stick. The objectives are so huge. BJP should be given a two third majority this time. They also need a majority in Rajya Sabha. Every Hindu needs to work for the cause, not just the BJP. This article does not help the cause either.
The Author has no IDEA how a Govt is run. It cannot be done to the whims and fancies of PEOPLE . This ARTICLE is wrong in many aspects . LAW in any country is never equal. Further 60 Yrs of Corruption in all aspects have left this country in deep shit of Trouble.When this GOVT came to Power INDIA was a Gone State. The BANKS had no Funds . The Economy was going down fast. Perception of this country was bad. Just look back after 5 Yrs. How much has been done by the same GOVT BABAUS under a good Leader. Pointing fingers to mistake is very easy. UP/ BIHAR/ UTHRAKAND/ CHATTISGARH/ JHARKAND are no more backward states. Today INDIA is looked upon with RESPECT and DIGNITY by almost all countries
What the Govt has done is incredible. This is like running 31 Countries together . SEE EU and you will know the difference . Terrorism has been Destroyed. Hence a 2nd Term would change things
lol the author has no idea but idiotic moditards like you have? Hindus are not BJP or Modi’s vote-cows, that they will keep voting Modi to power blindly. The author have raised some valid questions, Modi has used the mandate to rebuild his PR image. If everything bad that started happening in India didn’t start in 2014, than everything good also didn’t start happening in 2014.
There is no justification, whatsoever, to continue discrimination against Hindus. But as has been explained in this article, after getting power on nationalist agenda in 2014, BJP government has continued and expanded the Congress-led governments’ anti-Hindu, pseudo-secular and minority appeasing laws and policies. The author has highlighted the fact that “BJP government has not repealed or amended any existing law to stop discrimination against Hindus and to treat Hindus at par with other communities.”
BJP gets many Hindu votes regardless of their actions. In contrast, other major religions force politicians to give them economic sops and benefits.
Hindus are happy with leaders who seem outwardly nice and clean. They don’t really press for anything more. That is why they keep getting robbed.
Very well written Sir. You have expressed the core areas which once was a distinguishing factor and perhaps the edifice for the making of ‘party with a difference” which Shri L K Advani truly championed. While I echo your feelings in toto and also your sense of despair, I feel this needs to seen as two separate issues at hand
1. The people of India as individuals – They will agree with you on what you say clearly should have been done.
2. People of India as passionate voters of a political party – Their priorities are a step behind and almost always lost in this level never to make it to the point that it matters.
BJP as a party is not the party which has these as core ideas anymore in practice. The BJP realised somewhere in mid nineties during the tumultous days of third front and the grand coalition with Shri Vajapayee at its helm that it is impossible to be in power with just principles. Shri L K Advani realised it too when the emotions around his rath yatra rallied millions which only principles could not have. He too reluctantly allowed the impetuous and sporadic transformation of the party with allowing “winnable factors” to intrude into the core. The party realised the need to be in power before it can achieve anything and started giving priority to such leaders who “purportedly” brought these “special” skills. Money was considered important and more important for coming to power as this group started asserting its ways on the core at the top. A powerful saffron avatar of Congress began to emerge and overtook the ideas in a tsunami which could not be felt by its core voters and believers.
I will want to disagree with you that this was all wrong and BJP deserted its voters. I say so because it was never the BJP which embraced its voters and it was the hapless voter who did not have a choice and began hoping from deliverance from BJP.
It takes huge resources and power to becoming a ruling party and once it is there, it can morph and return to its roots is the belief with which the top hierarchy of BJP must have agreed. This may have included RSS without which the party is zero in terms of credibility. But, power trappings are such that it has overtaken and subsumed sanity. The king is held hostage by his small group of advisers on priorities and this swiftly took over power in May 2014.
This group are largely power and money drivers for the party and cannot be dispensed with by the king. The only other way was RSS to assert harder and bring in alternative leaderships but RSS too has had softer heads and arms in the past two decades and is no position to assert and clean up the mess.
The PM will not campaign stating his objectives and that he could not deliver on core ideas and request people to grant him another opportunity and pardon him for failing. His ego will not allow it and more so the govt has failed to create the atmosphere in the country in the last 5 years to make such a statement and get away as just honest. The govt failed to or was unwilling to touch two areas which has led to this sense of disappointment for its supporters
1. It has failed to pursue and conclude a single high profile corruption case. It has failed to bring out the culpability of the media which usually plays “hunting with the wolves, running with the hare” all the time. This has ensured that Modi played defensive and even apologetic to be supporting a fair and even handling of religion etc.
2. It has failed to work on execution at the state, local govt levels and the fact that the party machinery was controlled by money mandarins, deliverance on local and state govt of BJP failed to enthuse.
What can we do today? Despair? No.. Why? The only possibility however remote for these core ideas to be executed is by having a majority BJP govt. But it is time to hold the party and elected rep answerable and this where RSS can seize the initiative. Modi & Shah must be made to commit and shake away the controls of the lobbyists for true justice to be meted.
Despite all, Modi enjoys tremendous credibility and trust from voters across the country. (partly due to his work and perhaps a greater part to his perception management too, summary he has not negatives attached to himself which is very very rare in politics). His admitting that several of his core objectives in manifesto was ignored, pushed lower in priority and he is learning his way to better them seeking another chance will be the easiest way for him to get a even greater majority today. Rationally speaking he may not be able to win minds as convincingly even of the voters who voted him last time. But emotionally he stands a 100 times greater chance to win them all over.
Elections are won by emotions, honest emotions and re-elections are only about evaluating the incumbent govt. Modi has managed his image well and that of the govt too. But he has failed to estimate and understand the expectations of the people
Summary: Indian citizens were tired, frustrated over decades and hoping for a messiah of sorts. They expected a radical change agent in Modi. Modi on his part assumed or forced by his advisors to play a path of least resistance and got busy with incremental changes alone. Today he is trying hard to sell his “incremental changes” with sincerity and expecting to romp home. I am afraid he may not touch every chord. It is time he realised the gap between expectation and deliverance. No one is picking fault on what he has done. But people expected him to show results on big areas. – a few but big areas.. Real equi-distance from religion, crippling crackdown on the corrupt were some of them. He got chickened. He has poor advisors, the fact that most of his core team are from Rajya Sabha never helps you get the real pulse of people. His LS winners are mostly brought in for their brute power and money muscle. Head is missing there.. Hope Modi realises and RSS as the real guardian of society and culture can push harder to assert on Modi and Shah quick. Need their emotional acceptance of their neglect to win better mandate. While there is no alternative to the duo today, the duo must change to respect the voters whose mandate they ride on.
I don’t agree with this theory! BJP government with majority in both houses is the minimum requirement to do all these corrections! If Mr.Modi attempted to do constitutional corrections without majority in both houses, it could have resulted in by elections with more fire power with opposition. Systematic weakening of the opposition was done, and now there is hope to get majority in both houses. Assembly election loses were a dampener and could become a head ache!
Wonderful and sensible comment. We need to give BJP 365 seats this time. The author and his backers are naive. They think that 70 years of nonsense can be fixed by a simple majority just in the lower house.
No sir…
It doesn’t take 365 seats to dissolve minority ministry or set up one for the welfare of the majority too..
Just one strong decision will do…
If congress can rope in a minority welfare ministry with a few seats and coalition government, why can’t BJP?
Also right to education act…
Almost all the educational institutions are minority (read Christian) owned…how are they minorities when they have such dominance ? They influence the whole country…
Can’t you just remove that rte act or use it in all educational institutions ?
Actually speaking modi ji has done nothing for Hindus…
Just like congress…
But modi is better than congress in development…
An excellent article which illustrates the tragic fact that BJP has frittered away the splendid opportunity it had got to transform India into a really ‘secular’ country with the same rights and same laws for all Indian citizens irrespective of their religion.
Dear Mr JG Arora, Bjp wasting 5 years failing to scrap 370 or 35 A is a view.. In 5 years Modi ji had won the respect of all nations..Muslim countries regard him for his values..Finishing Kauravas was done over a life span..with Lord himself championing the cause..so too Modi ji would certainly establish good governance and Sanatana values ..time is the essence
Great article sir . Like you mentioned the misdeeds of Modi govt will run into thousands of pages . The hawabaaj squandered the chance@
There were plenty of issues for the BJP government when it won that decisive mandate. But, unfortunately, 5 years is too short a time for such an exercise. Its stupid to think that BJP only won because of these issues. They have been very dear issues but curbing corruption and giving the poorest of the poor some dignity in their lives is what i guess was the main thing. Not fully done, but BJP has been able to set right many a anomalies of the earlier secular governments. I don’t see any reason for BJP not to get a bigger mandate than the previous one to complete the unfinished agenda.
the current regime is a Capitalist-Nationalist regime, they are doing good and i think we should give them some more time