Lost values at IIT-M

Former students with whom PGurus had a free exchange of ideas and views about IIT-Madras were of the opinion that the downfall of the institution began with the launching of the integrated humanities courses.

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Former students with whom PGurus had a free exchange of ideas and views about IIT-Madars were of the opinion that the downfall of the institution began with the launching of the integrated humanities courses.

Since the IIT-M campus gates were opened for these elements, the quality and standard of the institute took a drastic plunge

Old-timers and old students cherish the time they spent at the Indian Institute of Technology-Madras (IIT-M) as the most precious days of their lives. “There was a sense of elegance and aristocracy associated with this institution. It was a typical Gurukul system but not anymore,” a prominent IITian told PGurus about the state of affairs in the country’s one-time premier technological institution.

Today’s IIT-M stands for Institute for Immoral Traffic-Marxists if the goings-on in this establishment are any signs. The Faculty, who used to enjoy unlimited academic freedom and were once respected and adored by the students are afraid – very afraid. So much so that many of them have been forced to remove even the ring tones of their mobile phones which used to play devotional songs like “Sree Ranganatha…” for fear of retribution by the Marxist-Maoist-Mulla (MMM) gang in the campus.

Former students with whom PGurus had a free exchange of ideas and views about IIT-Madars were of the opinion that the downfall of the institution began with the launching of the integrated humanities courses.

Since 2004, the IIT-M campus has been converted into a hub of anti-national activities. It reached new heights following attacks and vandalism on the peace-loving Jain students in the IIT-M who prefer to live a pious life as prescribed by their religion. But what has shocked the students and faculty on the campus was a series of suicides by students during the last four years, the last one being a girl named Fathima Latheef[1], a Keralite student of the five-year Integrated Humanities course in November 2019.

The Left-wing students and the Periyarites who have unleashed a reign of terror in the campus accused a Brahmin teacher for Fathima’s suicide. But the recent developments in the IIT-M campus has given a new twist to the whole incident. A girl student who is also a Leftist has accused the leaders of the Students Federation of India (SFI) and Periyarites (those who follow the lifestyle of late E V Ramasamy Naicker, an anarchist and founder of the Dravida movement) of sexually assaulting and exploiting girl students. In a Facebook posting, (which has since disappeared strangely from the social media) she blamed the Left-Periarite combination for Fathima’s suicide.

Not only that, in another incident, which was blacked out by the media in Chennai, but two student leaders of IIT-M were also arrested by the Chennai Police following the complaint lodged by a girl student of sexual harassment. Though the IIT-M officials including Prof Shiva, dean student, feigned ignorance about the whole issue, the Kotturpuram Police told PGurus that a student by the name of Justin Joseph has been arrested on charges of misbehaving with girl students.

“To the best of my info from IIT, two guys are suspended for Sexual harassment case from IIT Madras. Names – Justin Joseph (HSS dept – student of Dr. Joe Thomas Karakutti) & Jaykrishnan (Mechanical department- student of Prof Shaligram Tiwari),” tweeted Anand T Prasad, editor-in-chief, mediyaan, a popular web portal.

The girl who wrote on Facebook that Fathima was a martyr of the lustful Left-wing student leaders also said that the charges of sexual molestation are true. “It has become a routine affair in IIT Madras campus,” she said.

The humanities wing was launched to facilitate the entry of anti-national characters and Left-wing activists into the campus.

Arjun Sampath, a Hindu activist who has a considerable following in the IIT-M because of his erudition and scholarly speeches on social issues too posted on twitter;” Sexual harassment in IIT Madras by Ambedkar Periyar Circle. To the best of our info, two guys are suspended for sexual harassment cases from IIT Madras. 1. Justin Joseph (HSS Department-student of Dr. Joe Thomas Karakutti) 2. Jaykrishnan (mechanical department -student of Prof Shaligram Tiwari. The sexual assault case was filed by Prof Chella Rajan’s student of humanities… This is the same girl who wrote on Facebook that all teachers in IIT-M are anti-Pakistan and say so in their lectures. All the accused are hardcore APSC-leftist-Naxal activists,” wrote Arjun Sampath.

Former students with whom PGurus had a free exchange of ideas and views about IIT-Madras were of the opinion that the downfall of the institution began with the launching of the integrated humanities courses. “There is no potential or scope for teaching economics or development studies on the IIT campus. These courses were launched in 2004 when Kapil Sibal, the then Minister for Human Resources Development gave permission to that program,” said a post-doctoral student.

Another alumnus, who is heading a famous educational institute pointed out that the humanities wing was launched to facilitate the entry of anti-national characters and Left-wing activists into the campus. “In the normal course, these SFI and Maoist elements would never be able to manage entry into the IIT M campus. The engineering and technology students are intelligent, hard-working and industrious while the Left and Dalit activists do not have the brains to compete with them. Since the IIT M campus gates were opened for these elements, the quality and standard of the institute took a drastic plunge,” pointed out this professor.

Anarchy rules the roost in the IIT M campus. The director who initially was appointed by the Congress government (read P Chidambaram) made a volte-face and sought the help of a city-based RSS ideologue to get an extension for another term. “He is a man for all seasons and would not hesitate to make another somersault when a new government takes over at Delhi. But if you want to save the IIT-Madras, the only option is to stop the humanities program altogether. There are hundreds of arts and science colleges in Tamil Nadu where these courses could be accommodated. There should be no such programs in IIT Madras,” said the learned professor.


[1] IIT Madras student Fathima Lateef death case: All you need to knowNovember 15, 2019, India Today

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  1. I partly agree with the article. What I found is the polarization in IIT M. There is both strong active right and left wing. Political ideology has entered inside the campus is spoiling the capability of rational thought process. I don’t know the way out. But there is certainly a polarization and lack of rational debate and collaboration.

  2. . “There was a sense of elegance and aristocracy associated with this institution. It was a typical Gurukul system but not anymore,” … this says more that is was ruled by the upper caste and not any more…. Thanks for that info dude

  3. I agree to the point that recent development of protest and other mysterious activities must be avoided in prestigious institution like IIT madras but at the same time words like “dalit activities have no brain to compete” should have been avoided since I believe you guys must be unbiased.
    Only if you guys recognise that everyone is equally talented and respected equally they can’t stimulate people against anyone and they will run out of options.
    I think the above-mentioned words may not help anyone in anyway.

  4. While I feel that the narrative was a little biased and directional, it reflected true thoughts of many of my batch mates when I was studying there. The institution was established to enhance the education of the candidates truly interested/passionate in the technical or non technical fields. That was the culture of our predecessors which was propelled by the freedom of choice and speech. But by my time, this same freedom of speech had been exploited by the incompetents hiding under the label of the so called ‘Dalits’ (I have seen many people who were not ‘OC’ and that never stopped them from getting good placements, univ offers. They followed a very simple mantra like many successful people: Work hard and earn the opportunity) while robbing professor’s rights to freely encourage the passionate students. Thankfully, this hadn’t deterred many professors of my time. But I’m not so sure of it happening in the future as humans, by nature tend to avoid conflict and with the way the corrupted clubs and so called societies have been throwing blame all around, the purity of educational freedom will vanish soon.

  5. As if IIT was producing breakthrough innovation earlier. “Aristocracy and Elegance”, it seems. IIT madras was never in the league of world class Institutes. Stop daydreaming.

  6. While I argue that courses in Humanities are essential for Engineering students and must be included, some Humanities students at IITM have taken off in the wrong direction. Humanities at IITM is a case of noble intentions producing undesirable side effects.

    It is all well and good to draw the comparison with MIT, USA, in which case please include the calibre of students in the Humanities stream at MIT vs IITM in your comparison.

    I am not saying Engineering students are better, but it is true that students in Engineering in IITs have had to work much harder than their Humanities counterparts to get in, and therefore they value the education much more.

    Go back to the 70s and 80s in another institution in Tamilnadu – Annamalai University. Students striking was a routine affair, eventually what helped the institution get out of this cycle – they stopped offering Arts and Science degree programmes at the B.A and B.Sc level. They found some of these B.A/B.Sc students with enough critical mass had too much time in their hands and no responsibility, they ruined the college experience for the rest of the students in the University.

  7. This article is written by people who fear that the humanities students will explode bombs in the campus. Afterall we are all pakistanis in humanities. Science education is usurped by brahmins for a long time and its no surprise they woild call any one a dalit idiot who do not do the same as them. These brahmins need to eat some pills with their curd rice to get some sense into their bovine brains. Student suicides are being used to make stipid arguments and accusations. Be very ashamed of yourselves. Pieces of shits. The real humans of Iit madras will decide not some retarded blogger.

  8. The virus from middle east has caused greater damage to humanity than any other catastrophe, india is the prime victim backed by anti-nationlist congress and pseudo secularists.

  9. It seems this is an article against humanities as a discipline itself and you say there is no relevance of teaching humanities in a technical institute. For your kind information, the world’s most reputed technical university, MIT, has a humanities department which has had the privilege of having many Nobel laureates as faculty members. Noam Chomsky, one of the most radical and provocative thinkers of our times belongs to the Humanities department at MIT. Technical universities need a humanities department precisely to avoid this kind of intellectual incompetence from technically sound morons like you. We badly need human beings who can think critically about themselves and the world around them. Most importantly, we badly need compassionate souls who could feel beyond the limits of their egoistic minds.

  10. Completely false news. I don’t know how people can be so stupid to make such a statement like ‘The engineering and technology students are intelligent, hard-working and industrious while the Left and Dalit activists do not have the brains to compete with them’.

  11. The Seeds for the Down Fall of Higher Education in the state of Tamilnadu Started with the Onset of the Dravidian Rule in early 1970s. To enhance the Research & Schorarly output, Dr. Lakshmana Swamy Mudaliyar, long time VC of Madras University, brought in a world renowned Biophysicist, Professor GN Ramachandran from abroad to relocate to Madras and start an Institute at the AC College of Technology campus across the IIT-M and it was well funded by the UGC, DST, CSIR and Tamilnadu Govt. GNR used to travel all around the world to deliver invited key note lectures at scientific meetings but his Faculty and Ph.D. Students at Madras received his constant attention and active supervision. With the exit of Mudaliyar, in came ND Sundaravadivelu as VC appointed by the DMK Government. When GNR was questioned and treated unfairly, he made a call to Delhi. The IISC at Bengaluru relaxed their rules and with the support of UGC, GNR moved to IISc stock and barrel with chosen Faculty and Ph.D. scholars to Bengaluru. Similarly, the Dept. of Botany and the Centre for the Advanced Studies in Philosophy (CASP), well funded world class Departments that turned out great scholars lost their sheen and glory with the interference of Dravidian rulers. No wonder they
    that they Dravidian Virus is now spreading across from the AC College Campus into IIT-M campus through its far reaching tentacles. IIT-M should delete Humanities Faculty and stay focussed.

  12. Saddened to hear about the decline of certain departments in IIT-M. The virus on campus is the Humanities departments. Lock down immediately and save what’s left of the place lest it be one like one of those dammed SFI dominated colleges in Kerala.

  13. Communists always want to seize the educational institutions either hook or by crook, to enable them to spread antinational ideas and to create law and order problems.


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