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Is Qatar the next battlefield?

Over the past two years, Qatar has conducted over $86 billion worth of transactions in yuan and signed several economic agreements with China. Is the...
The Money Ceiling

The Money Ceiling

The fear that binds us to wealth is the uncertainty of its true role in our lives My grandfather was a buccaneering entrepreneur. People...
GM seeds in several food crops

Will all our crops be GM (Genetically Modified)?

GM contamination is irreversible Seed multinationals are so confident that they can ‘manage’ the Indian political class that, for over a decade now,...
Rohingyas in Jammu

A Big Conspiracy: Rohingyas Occupying Strategic Locations In Jammu

Rohingyas have set up a market in the Narwal area called “Burmese Market” It is absolutely clear now. Rohingya Muslims from far off...
Jammu Police investigating cases of Rohingya Muslims with Voter ID, Aadhar and other ID cards

Rohingya muslims in Jammu issued Aadhar, Voter Ids, Ration Cards & State Subject certificates?

J&K Govt sets up high level teams to verify records Over 13,000 Rohingyas and Bangladeshis camping in different parts of Jammu In a startling revelation...
What are the "must-do" items for BJP in the next few months?

With the Pawars and the Gandhis humiliated where must the BJP go?

Sharad Pawar must now eat crow – lots of it. On 5th February, 2017, after the recent marathon elections had started in five States,...
White House is leaking like a sieve and there is a trust deficit

The White House Mess

Donald Trump sold himself to voters as a successful businessman who knew how to get things done, a no-nonsense manager who’d whip government into...

Plight of a BSF jawan (soldier)

A Border Security Force (BSF) jawan deployed along the line of control in Jammu and Kashmir Monday triggered a nationwide debate over the plight...
Is Demonetization a way to re-capitalize India's Banks who are having a currency crisis?

Dr. Swamy Was Not Alone When He Predicted A Currency Crisis In India

Summary The currency crisis in India I predicted on Seeking Alpha on August 17, 2015, is here. India is the first domino to fall. ...
Indian Left has taken a stand similar to Kashmiri parties on Jammu and Kashmir

Communists And Human Rights in the context of Kashmir

India is passing through critical times. Kashmiri separatists, who are backed to the hilt by Pakistan, have vitiated the whole atmosphere in Kashmir after...


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