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The saga of Yes bank would start with Rana Kapoor's first crime betrayals of his friend and colleague and becoming undisputed king aka emperor.

Yes Bank – A Shakespearean tragedy

Yes Bank story without rumors swirling around its epochal events too good to be true, the deal raised eyebrows. If Shakespeare had to write the...
P-Notes could be in FDI and FII and can cause volatility in the Stock Market

FDI inflows into India – Part Deux

Following my article on FDI inflows, the Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi gave an interview to Zee News in which the interviewer complimented the...
Whose interests were GS representing in NDTV?

SEBI Inaction Part 3 – Why did Goldman Sachs (GS) buy NDTV shares?

In Part 1, we described the four different set of SEBI violations committed by NDTV, on which the SEBI has yet to act. The...
Whatever it takes to win, regardless of the consequences has become the mantra of a few as they break the trust it is built upon.

The Trust Destroyers

Donald Trump’s warning that he might not accept the results of the presidential election exemplifies his approach to everything: Do whatever it takes to...
British exit from EU has implications for the strong US Dollar

If the British exit EU, will that hurt the Dollar?

Traders desiring to know what November’s United States (US) presidential election will mean for the dollar need look no further than the British. The British...
The President of US has the power to break up the big banks

Bernie and the Big Banks

The recent kerfluffle about Bernie Sanders purportedly not knowing how to bust up the big banks says far more about the threat Sanders poses...


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