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With Prof M D Nalapat on the inside story in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey...

References: 1. Yemen war will kill MBS reforms - Sunday Guardian 28th September 2019 2. WHEN MYTHS ARE TAKEN AS FACTS - Pakistan Observer - 24th...
Saudi Arabia has only $116 billion of US Treasury holdings

Saudi Arabia 12th largest holder of US Treasuries

The U.S. Treasury has finally disclosed Saudi Arabia's holdings of U.S. debt - after four decades of keeping it secret. And it's enormous. The oil-rich...
With those who have read missing 28 pages alleging complicity of Saudis in 9/11 what will US do?

Will the missing 28 pages discussed in Obama’s trip to Saudi Arabia?

United States President Barack Obama landed in what's being billed as an attempt to stop wars in Yemen and Syria and ease tensions between...
India and Saudi Arabia to co-operate on several sectors

India, Saudi Arabia agree to co-operate on many sectors

In an expression of deepening bilateral ties, India and Saudi Arabia on Sunday agreed to further strengthen co-operation in the fight against terror and...
End of Saudi Arabia is near: Is India Prepared for the exodus?

End of Saudi Arabia is near: Is India prepared for the exodus?

Saudi Arabia could see its place as a major oil player under threat as fierce rival Iran is expected to start selling oil. Saudi...
Pak embassy, UAE, Saudi Arabia link to spy network

Pak embassy, UAE, Saudi Arabia link to spy network

New Delhi, Nov 30 For long, Pakistan has been in denial mode about any role in running subversive activities in India, but the arrest...
DT and Essar will develop solutions for renewable energy generation and storage for Essar’s Flat Steel Complex in the KSA which is the first green steel project in the GCC region

Desert Technologies inks MoU with Essar Group; aims to develop renewable energy solutions for...

MOU was executed between Desert Technologies and Essar Group in the G20 summit Desert Technologies (DT), an independent solar PV and smart infrastructure holding company...
India is Saudi Arabia’s second largest trading partner whereas Saudi Arabia is India’s fourth largest trading partner

PM Modi, Saudi Crown Prince hold bilateral talks; review trade and investment, defence and...

PM Modi, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman hold first strategic meet On Monday,  Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the visiting Crown Prince of Saudi...
The project is one of the key initiatives the White House is pushing in the Middle East as China's influence in the region grows

India, US, Saudi, UAE hope to announce major joint infrastructure railway deal to connect...

India in talks with US, UAE and Saudi Arabia for mega rail, port connectivity deal at G20 Summit At the G20 Summit in New Delhi,...


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