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How will wily the Modi tame the foxy Dragon from China?

Foxy Ways of the Dragon from China

The ‘Hindi-Chini bhai bhai’ jingle has more often than not suffered indifference and back stabbing at the hands of the Chinese. Xi Jinping's swimwear...
With ITAT rejecting NDTV's appeal, the question is where NDTV will find the money to pay the fine

ITAT rejects NDTV’s appeal, confirms Rs.903 crore tax must be paid

NDTV’s tax evasion frauds and money laundering amounting to Rs.903 crores were laid bare by the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT). The Order pronounced...
Swamy alleges Money Laundering in the transfer of ownership of SpiceJet

Swamy writes to ED, urges probe of $150 million Money Laundering in dubious SpiceJet...

Senior BJP leader Subramanian Swamy wrote to the Director of Enforcement Directorate (ED) urging him to probe the huge money laundering that occurred in...
Tax authorities suspect that money routing through Cyprus to purchase NDTV stock is Money Laundering

Income Tax to probe NDTV’s Money Laundering through Cyprus also

Apart from laundering money through Bermuda, Netherlands, UK and the Cayman Islands, Prannoy Roy had laundered money through Cyprus also. As per the Director...
NDTV ignores IT directive, goes ahead with the sale

Violating directions of Income Tax, NDTV sells 4 outfits to the Coal Scam accused...

Violating the directions of the Income Tax Department, New Delhi Television Ltd. (NDTV) has sold out almost all of its subsidiary companies to one...
The Income Tax Dept. has sent a letter to NDTV blocking its sale of assets to Nameh

Contempt of Court by NDTV? Income Tax Dept. blocks sale of assets

As per a very sternly worded notice issued by the Income Tax Dept. (ITD) to New Delhi Television (NDTV) on June 16, 2017, a...
The Govt. has clarified in a Press Release that NDTV probe was started in 2011 when Pranab Mukherjee was the Finance Minister

Income Tax actions against NDTV started during Pranab’s period & Chidambaram stopped the probe

Prannoy Roy’s utterances in the protest meet convened at Press Club in Delhi fall flat after Government officials explain the details of the investigation...
The banding together of sections of media to support NDTV in a cause that involves its promoters shows utter ignorance

Will those bleeding hearts explain Sunday Guardian expose on NDTV’s ICICI Bank frauds?

Is Indian media really independent and believes in the concept of 'Freedom'? Since last Monday, every media house/ journalist has been raising voice on...
CBI files an FIR against the promoters of NDTV Prannoy Roy and Radhika Roy for defrauding ICICI to the tune of 48 crores

At last CBI catches up with Prannoy Roy and Radhika Roy for ICICI bank...

At last the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) catches New Delhi Television Ltd. (NDTV) and its major promoter Prannoy Roy, who has been preaching...
SEBI appears to be moving methodically to clean up NSE

Cleaning the Augean stables at NSE

SEBI issues notices to 14 officials at NSE The seminal work on High Frequency Trading (HFT) and how it helped a select few prosper in...


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