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Hindutva movement for Hindu State needs a clear explicit recurring high target with a timer, this alone will keep the flame burning because the sky is the limit of aggrandizement

The Hindu State: The doctrine and deterrence for the future – Part 2

The previous part of the article can be accessed here. This is the second part. In the previous series, we saw why there is a...
One way to halt the Chinese in their tracks is for Inda and the US to sign a Defence treaty. This will be a strategic game-changer unprecedented in the post-cold war era

Indo-U.S. Defence Treaty: Need of the hour

What Xi Jinping calculated was that India is economically ravaged and it could not even tackle the tiny Himalayan kingdom of Nepal When Chinese president...
Having failed to pin down India in conventional & sub-conventional conflicts, are India’s adversaries attempting to ignite violent unrest and internal chaos to destabilise India?

Can India Counter the Hydra Headed Hybrid War? Part 1

The Delhi violence is a perfect example of what mayhem can be triggered within India without waging a war on India. Over the last few...
CAA: A small step towards Humanity

CAA: A small step towards Humanity

The CAA is certainly a small step in the right direction but it needs to be broadened and the government should introduce a new...
Here is a detailed report of fact-finding team on meetings with the Shia Community, Sikh Community, Kashmiri Hindus and Sarpanches from different villages.

Report of Fact finding team to Kashmir post abrogation of Article 370 & 35A...

The Previous part of this article comprised of a report from Suburban and Rural Kashmir and interactions with residents of Dal Lake and Civil...
With the hearings in the Ramjanmabhoomi title dispute in Ayodhya completed, the Supreme Court can be expected to deliver its judgment on or before Nov 15th

Ayodhya case: Supreme Court concludes the hearing. Judgment to be delivered on or before...

The centuries-long dispute and politically sensitive Ayodhya case concluded its hearing on Wednesday by the Supreme Court after the 40-day long day-to-day hearing. The...
Karan Thapar would do well to visit Jammu to meet them around 1.5 million Hindu-Sikh refugees from PoJK, Pakistan and Kashmir itself and present to the nation a true story of facts.

Why Is Karan Thapar 100% Wrong In Calling Hindus Of Jammu Murderers Of Muslims?

Karan Thapar attacks those who, according to him, are selective in their approach, but he conveniently ignores what Pakistan and Muslims did to Hindus...
Assessment of Modi government’s first term

Assessment of Modi government’s first term

With the ongoing elections, it is the right time to assess the achievements of the incumbent government. There are some areas where the government...
The Truth About Godhra

The Truth About Godhra

The post is assembled from tweets of @wingdsofchange72. Ayodhya Mediation involves a greater Congress conspiracy. I'm not just saying this but in my series of...
Even Hindu Gods are not Safe in Tamil Nadu

Hindus and even Hindu Gods are not Safe in Tamil Nadu

The events witnessed in Tamil Nadu during the last three days in connection with Vinayaka Chathurthi prove beyond doubt that Hindus could survive and...


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