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Kashmiriyat Over Dogriyat, Ladakhiyat

BJP Preferred Kashmiriyat Over Dogriyat, Ladakhiyat For Power

The Agenda of Alliance says that the PDP-BJP coalition government shall work for the resolution of the Kashmir issue within the ambit of Kashmiriyat...
GM seeds in several food crops

Will all our crops be GM (Genetically Modified)?

GM contamination is irreversible Seed multinationals are so confident that they can ‘manage’ the Indian political class that, for over a decade now,...
Trump trains guns at Iran, terrorism and completely ignores Pakistan

Trump stirs Islamist terror pot

Trump Speech completely ignores Pakistan The sensational events of 11 September 2001 for the first time awakened the United States and the West to India’s...
Despite concerns, the decision of GOI to involve Private sector in Defence is good news

Private sector to galvanize defence preparedness

India to involve its Private sector in Defence production The Narendra Modi government’s endeavors to involve the domestic private sector in defence production will go...
Plebiscite in Jammu &Kashmir

The Phantom of Plebiscite in Jammu &Kashmir

On the Plebiscite front in J&K Yes, it is true that Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister in the post-Independence era, promised plebiscite...
A look at the history of Kashmir conflict and how PoK is in bad shape with systematic resettlement going on

Pakistan’s misadventures in Kashmir – Part 3

This is the concluding part of our series on Pakistan desperately flogs dead letter ‘K’ to rekindle international interest in Khalistan, Kashmir? Part 1...
GM Seeds sneaked in India

Monsanto sneaks in banned GM seeds

Monsanto sneaks in GM seeds in India Agriculture multinational, Monsanto, that is doggedly pushing Genetically Modified (GM) seeds in India despite the spectacular...
Some of the concerns on the way the GSTN company has been structured and its performance thus far

GSTN – The extra constitutional network

The passage of four legislative GST bills created a lot of euphoria among the government, common public and the traders. As tweeted out by...
Hindraf to file a PIL (first of its kind) in Malaysian courts, seeks to expel Zakir Naik

Hindraf ups ante against Zakir Naik

In a further twist to the Zakir Naik saga, Hindraf, a non-governmental organisation working for the human rights of Malaysian Hindus of Indian origin,...
War Clouds over Europe, between Radical Islam and Modern Europe, writes the author

War Clouds over Europe: Are we prepared?

I had written in 2013 about “Europe Going Down” in my blog, from which I am quoting a few sections below: The European economic and...


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