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Was the Press Release issued by China on Galwan done without proper application of mind?

India must condemn China’s press release on Indo-China Foreign Minister’s conversation. It blames Indian...

Update as of Jun 18, 7:15 PM IST The below-mentioned message was typed out within 30 minutes of the telephonic conversation between India's External Affairs...

Why India should join China in rising above differences

As Beijing and New Delhi head into a season of intensive top-level diplomatic encounters that could well define the future of their partnership, the...
G20 is an international forum with no secretariat or enforcing agencies

Can China succeed in shaking the world’s 20 biggest economies out of their torpor?

China has high hopes for chairing a successful G20 summit The G20 summit to be held in the Chinese city of Hangzhou in early...
United States

US tries to encircle China under navigation pretext: Russian expert

The United States continues its policy of encircling China in the southeast with the aim of minimizing the Chinese and establishing U.S. control over...
Nepal plays China card with India as Oli delays visit to Delhi

Nepal plays China card with India as Oli delays visit to Delhi

New Delhi It has been a time-bound tradition that any newly-elected Prime Minister of Nepal undertakes his first foreign visit to a longtime friend and...
Nepal, China to sign long-term petroleum deal

Nepal, China to sign long-term petroleum deal

Kathmandu, Dec 25 - In a significant departure, Nepal and China have agreed to sign a long-term petroleum deal to import fuel from Beijing....

China or India: Difficult choice for new Myanmar government

Even as the Aung San Suu Kyi-led National League for Democracy (NLD) is expected to form a new government in Myanmar, China has lost...
Leh-based environmentalist Sonam Wangchuk and LAB jointly gave a call for 'Leh Chalo’ on February 3 to wake up the Union government from its deep slumber

United Ladakh demands statehood, more representation in the Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha

Ladakh: Home Ministry convenes meeting on Feb 19 to discuss the demand In braving adverse weather conditions, thousands of residents of Leh and Kargil districts...
Blinken stressed the need for communication "to avoid miscalculation and conflict" and said the U.S. would continue to raise areas of concern as well as potential cooperation with China

Blinken dials Qin ahead of an expected visit to Beijing; discusses ways to avoid...

Blinken speaks with Chinese foreign minister ahead of expected high-stakes visit to Beijing Ahead of his planned visit to China to cool down tensions, US...
China’s Ministry of Civil Affairs on Sunday released the standardised names of 11 places for Arunachal Pradesh, which it calls “Zangnan, the southern part of Tibet”

China releases third set of Chinese names to assert its claim over Arunachal Pradesh

China releases the standardized names of 11 places for Arunachal Pradesh China has released a third set of names in Chinese, Tibetan, and pinyin characters...


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