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The vision and imagination of NEP 2020, if implemented honestly, will enable Indian universities to endow with world-class education, while promoting excellence and contributing to nation-building

Need for discipline in the university

The nation needs discipline and peace in the university campuses. It can only flourish with dedicated academicians and meritorious learners. Universities have been established...
Basic study of our History with regard to Delhi, we see some startling facts and we realise that Sadguru’s statement that Delhi is a Jinxed or cursed place is true.

The Delhi Jinx

Our ancient Rishis and Gurus had always seen the Prana Shakti, Daivi Shakti or Asuri Shakti behind every matter, place, principle, rule and Dharma....
In a wide-ranging sentiment expressed by Congress party workers, Robert Vadra is the #1 liability for Congress

Robert Vadra: Congress’ Liability No: 1 and the way out

There is no doubt that Robert Vadra still continues to be the Congress party’s Liability Number:  1. “It’s never too late to become who...
The economic impact of the pandemic is far greater than anything we have seen recently including the global financial crisis.

Economic escape velocity from a pandemic

India’s GDP will Drop Even before the pandemic, India’s GDP growth rate was on the decline. This is even as per the Government of India...
The high decibel western propaganda is to stop India from taking effective measures at this moment. Now is the right time to take the bull by the horn to address the longstanding issues created by the West eco-system.

Delhi riots and its urgent lessons of Global designs for India

India needs to develop a well thought out plan to counter the deceptive and selfish game of the Western eco-system and learn not only...
Dr Swamy answers to questions of general public on CAA protests in Shaheen Bagh

Dr Swamy answers to questions of general public on CAA protests in Shaheen Bagh

This is the English translation of the Dr Subramanian Swamy's interview on "Kya Kehta Hai India" - a special show on Zee News. The...
Astounding victory in the Delhi Assembly elections, AAP is now eyeing the national stage. They must realise that while ambition is fine, over-ambition can be fatal.

AAP must concentrate on Delhi, keep national ambitions in check for now

Success in local body elections depends greatly on the network of foot soldiers who are familiar with the topography and demography of the region. Encouraged...
Kejriwal owes his victory to M Karunanidhi Formula

Kejriwal owes his victory to MK Formula – the Coronavirus of Democracy!

Suppose Delhi is not the capital and the central Government has no obligation to spend on Delhi, could the voters get twin advantage from...
Being Finance Minister in the UPA government was Chidambaram's finest hour.

Friend, father & philosopher of black money is Chidambaram

Chidambaram assiduously cultivated the media with his clipped English accent, occasional freebies, and sustained shadows of the Enforcement Directorate that he commanded. Palaniappan Chidambaram, whom...
The malaise of Loan waiver by state governments needs a permanent solution

Cure the Agricultural Migraine… Now! Part 1

PART I - Current Scene & Interim Solutions Felled by oppressive political pressure, Devendra Fadnavis is now suffering from an acute agricultural migraine.  As the...


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