RVS Mani on the origins of Tablighi Jamaat.

RVS Mani says that Tablighi Jamaat is a Global Islamic organization with radical views and should not have been permitted to hold a seminar in the first place as India will now reap what Coronavirus has sown in this conference.

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  1. This Tablighi jamat originated in 1926 and their aim is lead a life as in 650AD. The members eat in a common plate, wear beard and pyjamas which don’t touch floor. They don’t use tooth paste and use Mishwak stick and have poor bathing habits . They sleep in cramped places, hence became breeding ground for Corona.

    Biggest fault of Modi was to concentrate on external security and not on internal saboteurs. He wants development, without identifying termites eating development. While R Singh was a misfit as HM, even Shah is having Ostrich approach. Advice to Modi, Sir forget your TV speeches, take care of internal security and be careful of Jehadists, who want to destroy kafirs ie Hindus. Forget Gandhi for now.


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