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Tag: Bhagwat Gita

Hot Pouri – Juicy and Spicy stories in a Mixed-Veg-Cuisine feeling

Congress in a serious anti-Gita-Press Sentiment - to please his Master? 20-6-2023: Just to please his master Rahul Gandhi, the AICC media cell incharge Jairam...

India was a maritime trade superpower with which Sanatan Dharma also...

India was a maritime trade superpower. Her ships plied from Aden to the Philippines. In the West, Aden onwards the goods were transported by...

6 Famous International Physicists who were influenced by Hindu Dharma

The Hindu religion is the only one of the world’s great faiths dedicated to the idea that the Cosmos itself undergoes an immense, indeed...

Wake Up Ye Hindus Before Its Too Late!!

We Hindus want to live in peace with members of other religions under the Indian Constitution. But, let us live in dignity. Greetings on the...