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The Caste-Jihad: From the ancient to the present – Part 5

The previous 4 parts of the article can be accessed here Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4. This is the fifth part ...

Preface to the Book: Dharma Yoga – An Indian Law Code...

The previous part 1 of the article can be accessed here. This is part 2. The Mitra worship was eliminated by Christianity Before we take up...

India must rescind its interim recognition of Tibet as being part...

Tibet holds extreme importance to Indians as it denotes resilience and survival Tibet has flourished for centuries; it has been a living hub of ancient...

Burma needs support to fight Islamic terrorism by Rohingya ARSA

WHO ARE THE ROHINGYAS? The Rohingya crisis needs to be understood in a historical context. In 1946, Burma requested the British to merge with India....

Yoga Appropriation by “Holy Yoga” – Letter To Founder Brooke Boon

Reproduced with permission from the author Dear Brooke, I happened to see your interview with Rajiv Malhotra and was surprised to see the contents. I hope...

हिन्दू और बौद्ध अलग धर्म नहीं हैं: तथ्यपूर्ण विश्लेषण | भाग...

इस श्रृंखला के भाग १ को यहां पर पहुंचा जा सकता है| तीसरे तर्क के विषय में राजीव मल्होत्रा अपनी पुस्तक “द बैटल...

हिन्दू और बौद्ध अलग धर्म नहीं हैं – भाग १

बौद्ध सिद्धांत वैदिक धर्म के विरुद्ध नहीं था बल्कि असल में यह वैदिक धर्म के ही खो रहे मूल्यों को पुनःस्थापित करने का...

Let us not look at China using Western Lens

July 2014 was an important month for global economics and China. It was the first time in recent history that China has overtaken USA...


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