Tag: Protest
Strategies to counter engineered agitations
Engineered agitations threaten national security and public order
India, the world’s largest democracy, has recently been besieged by protests and agitations that, while cloaked in...
CAA: A small step towards Humanity
The CAA is certainly a small step in the right direction but it needs to be broadened and the government should introduce a new...
Anti-CAA elements are reading the wrong Preamble to the Constitution
Socialism is a cantankerous word because there can never be democracy in a socialistic society. Socialism itself is a failed and irrelevant ideology.
As part...
With Satish Kumar Sharma on the unfolding events in UK around...
Youtube link -
DailyMotion link -
Reference - Abhijit Iyer-Mitra on Kashmir - https://youtu.be/ejmpmgvis8A
Kerala’s own Perumal Murugan
A writer named S Hareesh is in the news in Kerala. Hareesh is an author who won the Kerala State Sahitya Academy Award in...
3 Idiots – An Imaginary Conversation between Three witches
An imaginary conversation between three witches
Witch 1: Uff all that time spent on makeup and this is what the cartoonist comes up with
Witch 2:...