The LAC situation appears to be 1962 playing all over again, says M D Nalapat, but India can win if…

Even as the External Affairs Minister returns after a meeting with his Chinese counterpart, the fact remains that China is staying put. What are India's options moving forward, what does it need to do with QUAD and in particular why should the US come to India's help is discussed in great detail by Prof. M D Nalapat. A must watch!

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  1. Prof MD Nalapat draws his conclusions after referring to civil servants of India who are supposed to serve interests of India. But nonetheless, these civil servants either sitting in India or employed at the embassies (China for example) seem to be clueless about India’s adversaries ; their data collection on India, their devices, designs to denigrate and destroy India.

    Because China is in the news, is this an isolated case, event ?

    History repeats for those who refuse to learn from history.
    Indian politicians are known to install obedient, pliant and pensioned civil servants into plum jobs. Indian politicians push their agenda through re-writting retirement as re-tirement. These pliant Babus never did put-in a honest day’s work in their lifetime-during 30 years.

    a)India’s first ambassador to China KM Panikkar :
    KM Pannikar withdrew his salary from India, but promoted policies, interests of China.
    He laid the stones for the Chinese march to/invasion of Tibet around 1959.
    b)Chinese army faced shortage of food.
    Nehru ordered shipments of tons of rice to Chinese army. The trucks carrying rice plied through North East frontier areas of India.
    c)Prof MD Nalapat refers to civil servants of India who are supposed to serve interests of India. But nonetheless, these civil servants either sitting in India or employed at the embassies (China for example) seem to be clueless about India’s adversaries ; their data collection on India, their devices, designs to denigrate and destroy India.
    d) Year 2020 :
    Anarchy rules across many parts, states of USA. A large number of big cities (state capitals) are unsafe, where law & order machine is totally broken down.
    Sweden_Wake up and smell the coffee :
    Recent riots in Malmo, Sweden is not first such event. Sweden is rape capital of the world.
    Europe : Depression, gloom defines Central Europe.

    Did other countries send their ambassadors to holiday on beaches of India ?
    Did Indian government not know that diplomats from abroad come to India to collect strategic data ?
    How did ambassadors of India react when over decades ; ex-colonizers castigated India ? They got more busy searching for means to anchor their future.
    They got more busy, seeking advice (economical, political matters) from adversaries of India on matters on which survival of India depended.
    They (goody-goody) imposed themselves on poor Indians and compelled them do their ‘dirty work’.

    Apparently, Markande Katju anchored his future abroad (USA) while still employed as a judge in India.

    Which of the civil servants ; presently drawing salary from India, do not have their future anchored abroad ?
    How Indian Babus anchor their future abroad ?
    Their children get out of turn privileges, like attend youth camps abroad, say USA.
    Although inadmissible, incompetent, their children get admitted (back door quota) to ordinary colleges with English names.
    They throw a fishing net to acquire ‘Green Card’ through tricks mentioned above with some modifications and a by-pass.
    And in return papi, mami (civil servants paid by India) sells India’s interests (policies), for pittance, a throw away price.
    Passports (altered, forged, bought) assist in infiltrating agents and planting them as advanced soldiers in enemy’s country.
    2004 :
    A large group travelled to India, but there was an official ban on their entry to India.
    2008 :
    A concerned citizen whose last name was Patel (Chicago city, USA) wrote a letter to Ambassador of India. …Patel descibed how numerous ineligible persons (from surrounding states) were able to acquire Indian Passport through a middleman.

    There was a recent news (unverified) that Indian ambassador (some years back) gave visas to Conversion Mafia-Missionaries from USA.
    The name was lightly mentioned in some kind of a nuclear deal.

    Simple example :
    In India, only the super-rich, politicians, connected powerful had access to a simple thing as chocolate until about 1980’s.
    Chocolate is an agricultural product, in its natural form it looks like a large bean.
    India had embassies, embassy staff all over Africa after 1947.
    Did the embassy staff never walk out of the embassy building ?
    Or were the embassy staff through ‘paper circus’ able to show their presence in Africa, but never left the Indian coast and collected salaries ?
    Or the embassy staff was of dwarfs, and could not see what grew up on the small trees until 1980 ?

    Chinese have been a threat to Indian’s existence (3 generations) and would remain so.
    What are you going to do, what do you want ?
    Make up your mind, and now.

  2. The anti national elements ,getting all types of support from anti Indian external forces as well as internal, are using their freedom of speech for destroying India.

  3. Did India purge hidden Chinese assets in India ?
    It is reasonable to believe that China has assets in India, namely media, business & industry and even bureaucracy.
    In India, unlimited freedom/s has been order of day even when it brought chaos along-with. Under the circumstances, it would be prudent to bring some sanity, order in to the society.
    And if necessary, for a short period of time, some sort of limited dictatorship/army rule is not a bad idea. Security of life & limb is more important than absence of some freedoms one can live without.


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