Friday’s 51-page lethal order by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is a real nightmare to NDTV’s owner Prannoy Roy and his wife Radhika, the partner in all his crimes and money laundering. As per the SEBI’s much awaited Order based on the complainant of stock exchange manipulation filed by minority shareholder Sanjay Dutt prevents Prannoy Roy, wife Radhika Roy and their shell company RRPR Ltd. from Stock Exchange activities for a period of two years. The SEBI also ordered the crooked husband and wife to step down from NDTV for two years. Further, It banned both from becoming Directors of all companies for a period of one year.
ICICI Bank fraud and others
With this order the clock has started ticking for the Roys. The Order clearly lists all the frauds they did in the ICICI Bank loan fraud[1]. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has already filed a First Information Report (FIR) in this regard and raided their home for diverting around Rs. 45 crores from ICICI Bank loan fraud in 2008. This SEBI Order is a vindication for CBI which is yet to file charge sheet. CBI sleuths have already found that Roy diverted this money to buy a home in Cape Town in South Africa.
The SEBI Order explains how Prannoy Roy and wife and their shell firm RRPR Holdings Limited illegally traded public limited companies shares at a bargain basement price at just Rs.FOUR when on that day it was being traded in the Stock Exchanges for Rs.140 in 2009! This finding of SEBI strengthens Enforcement Directorate (ED) to attach the properties of the crooked Roys.
In the interest of public, we are publishing the 51-page Order of SEBI exposing the frauds of Prannoy Roy. The journalists who assembled in Press Club in June 2017 to protest against CBI raid must read this to understand the money laundering and floating of black money in media world[2].
The SEBI order exposes the dubious loan of Rs.375 cr from ICICI Bank and a back door investment of more than Rs.400 cr. from the Mukesh Ambani linked firm in 2009. This SEBI Order will weaken NDTV’s appeal against Income Tax in the Supreme Court. What justification will Prannoy Roy give for trading his shares at just Rs.FOUR when the common public was paying Rs.140 for a share?
So now the question is what is the fate of NDTV? Is there any prospective buyer for the scam-hit TV Channel?
Can’t run the channel with Benamis!
The SEBI Order also bans Prannoy Roy and wife to run the NDTV thru benamis and associates. This provision literally bans his known associates Nidhi Razdan, Sonia Singh, Suparna Singh and Sreenivasan Jain from entering into the board Room of NDTV. So NDTV has to be acquired or shut down or auction to other share holders. Industry experts say that Mukesh Ambani may step in or with his consent, someone else will step in to take over the scams-hit TV Channel.
Meanwhile, many investigators feel that the SEBI Order will speed-up Prannoy Roy and wife’s journey to Tihar jail in CBI and ED cases. This is a Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) offence and carries a jail term of up to 3 to 7 years. ED already has an ECIR registered and should now proceed with attaching their properties and Show Cause Notice.
The 51-page SEBI Order is published below:
SEBI Order Banning Prannoy Roy Dtd June 14, 2019 by PGurus on Scribd
[1] Will those bleeding hearts explain Sunday Guardian expose on NDTV’s ICICI Bank frauds? Jun 9, 2017,
[2] Why the eminent speakers at the press club may be wrong – Jun 11, 2017,
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[…] Time has started ticking for crooked Prannoy Roy after SEBI Order forces him to leave NDTV – Jun 15, 2019, […]
[…] Time has started ticking for crooked Prannoy Roy after SEBI Order forces him to leave NDTV – Jun 15, 2019, […]
Good. PR and his Brinda karat sister Radhika (wife of prannav Roy, who is half brother of Arundathi Roy) are on their way to Tihar. Am sure silver jubilee bailed Chiddu will follow along with his son karti chiddu.
Will these crooks – PC, Malya, Roys, Gandhis, Nirav Modi, queen of ICICI, Sharada, Tharoor etc, ever be convicted? I doubt it. This has been going on for too long. Either Sherlock Holmes is incompetent or he just does not have the goods or he is beholden to some higher power or it just suits the Modi government to keep the news cycle alive with dribs and drabs of nothing. So we all can say – look ma he is fighting corruption. Are we being hoodwinked by the people we trust?
What did Tharoor do?
# All said and done, is it not possible, for the intelligence agencies, to prevent such frauds, and nip them in the bud? The employees and the investors,.would be the most affected!
bro i think they will move to supreme court against this and supreme court as usual will relive them as soon as they lick their boot. judiciary system in India is joke on us. i think nothing going to happen and they will make fun of us and law.
Now RAJESH SINGH another Xtian / Pakipanjabi wails will grow for ITalian Nazi Cannibal (Inquisition) Party revival. MAYBE Italian Vatican streetdogs Congis, will be on pigtails of Rehan and Miraya. Soon we will see SUAR DESAI (A unknown Portuguese prd from ISHRAT MANZILS of Goa) kissing their dog’s ass
Nemesis catching up. But will our archaic procedural laws not help the crooks to delay, if not defeat, justice?
Dear Sir,
How could you miss, about another SO CALLED VATICAN CONTROLLED MEDIA CHANNEL TV9?? Its CEO has been caught in the Hawala Fraud, of Rs 273 Crore and its going to hammer. Offcourse the Crypto Xtians here are shouting about MODI, but PGurus should highlight the fact that for FIRST TIME, A INDIAN PM HAD THE GUTS TO SAY OPENLY THAT HE IS SANTAAN OF LORD RAM AND KRISHNA AND NOT ASHAMED ABOUT IT, UNLIKE SO CALLED SECULARS (WHO ARE PRODUCTS OF WORST OF SEWERS OF WHITES AND THEIR DEBAUCHED SL.TS)
Time has started ticking for crooked Prannoy Roy with his wife after SEBI Order forces them to leave NDTV. Nidhi Razdan, Sonia Singh, Suparna Singh and Sreenivasan Jain a good riddance.
Better late than never. With these above crooks going to jail sooner than later, let us hope congenital lairs like Rahul and his gang,dynasty journos may vanish in a year or two. Action must be taken on journalists like Ravish Kumar, Vinod Dua, Abhishar Sharma, Wire team, Rajdeep and Sagarika, Dhruv Rathi…………spreading lies after lies….intellectual dishonesty…variety presstitutes…..Let Editors Guild make note of ugly NDTV episode.hut down anti national NDTV.
EDITORS Guild head is Shekhar Gupta=Shukar (Pig) Kutta, Now PIDI full form is PIGS & DOGS OF ITALIAN and Shekhar Gupta (Official Father) and Mother knew in advance the prd they begetted. FULL PIDI. SUAR-DOG-ESAI well name says it all. Do not know why but most of these PIDI Channels have great attraction for Toilets. SGARAILA GHOSE= SUAR KA GOST (PORK CHOPS)
TOI = Toilet of Italy (Running Dog of World Council of CHURCHES Vineet Jain brothel)
In a year or two, Modi will wipe out journalists like Ravish Kumar, Vinod Dua, Abhishar Sharma, The Wire team …..
All out efforts to get Ravish Kumar.
If you are really serious about fraud, put Pranav & Radhika in jail. No need to grab NDTV by hook or crook!
Is not ICICI also party to these dubious
Share transactions.I mean Chanda Kochar and team.What r the ramifications P gurus Pl elucidate.
I think it was H.V.Kamath not Chanda Kochar who was heading ICICI BANK at that time
Kudos to p gurus for a sustained campaign against these fraudsters.After 12 years justice done by BJP govt. Truth will triumph. In a democracy dharmic journalists role is very crucial in bringing culprits to book.Big blow to the Lutyens and crook PC.
By the way I am awaiting the day crook PC and his son enter Tihar jail.Pl keep up the good work Pgurus in your investigative journalism.
Such criminals always get loans from the ‘willing’ ICICI Bank.
A bank dedicated to fraudsters of all hue and cry.
this f..g prick- roy and wife – 2 pricks along with the associate pricks- on their way to jail? and hole in the ground.
Pathetic language