Delhi Police arrests controversial lobbyist Niira Radia’s Co-Directors in Yes Bank loan fraud of Rs.300 crore. But Media hush-up her name

The EOW of Delhi Police has arrested 3 persons for allegedly siphoning off over Rs.300 crores taken as a loan from Yes Bank

The EOW of Delhi Police has arrested 3 persons for allegedly siphoning off over Rs.300 crores taken as a loan from Yes Bank
The EOW of Delhi Police has arrested 3 persons for allegedly siphoning off over Rs.300 crores taken as a loan from Yes Bank

Delhi Police arrests controversial lobbyist Niira Radia Co-associates

On Monday morning (Oct 18, 2021) media reported three persons were arrested by Delhi Police Economic Offices Wing (EoW) in Yes Bank loan fraud of Rs.300 crore. Media reports said that three persons Yateesh Wahaal, Satish Kumar Narula (Directors of Nayati Healthcare and Research NCR Private Ltd), and Rahul Singh Yadav, proprietor of Ahluwalia Construction were arrested for taking a loan from Yes Bank to construct a hospital and later committed fraud.

Here Media Houses conveniently hushed up the fact that Nayati Healthcare and Research NCR Private Ltd is a company floated by controversial lobbyist Niira Radia and her sister Karuna Menon. After being caught in 2G Spectrum Scam in 2010 for her controversial lobbying tapes, Niira Radia entered into hospital business by late 2014 and most of her hospitals are inaugurated by her mentor Ratan Tata. In the brand name Nayati, she floated four companies from 2014 to 2018. They are Nayati Healthcare & Research Private Limited (in August 2014), Nayati Healthcare & Research Agra Private Limited (August 2017), Nayati Healthcare & Research Amritsar Private Ltd (August 2017), and Nayati Healthcare & Research NCR Private Ltd (May 2018).

PGurus in November 2020 published the details of Niira Radia controlled companies in defrauding Yes Bank of Rs.650 crore & DHFL linked frauds and FIR registered by Delhi Police EoW. The complaint by the Doctors cheated by her and companies controlled by her shows her complicity in all these frauds.[1]

Now, look at how this probe and arrest was reported by the top Indian Media Houses like Times of India and India Today avoiding the role of Niira Radia. It is well known that arrested persons (her Co-Directors) Yateesh Wahaal, Satish Kumar Narula are close associates of Radia, and Yateesh’s talks with her in the Radia Tapes were all out in public domain.

See how Times of India and India Today reported the arrest of her co-Directors by Delhi Police by fully hushing up the name of controversial lobbyist Niira Radia. We are giving the links of reports below of the reports by the two big Indian Media Houses by not mentioning the role of Niira Radia.

  1. Times of India Report:[2]
  2. India Today Report:[3]

Any Answers, Indian Media for hushing up the name of controversial lobbyist Niira Radia?


[1] Delhi Police registers case against lobbyist Niira Radia for cheating & money siphoning case involving Rs.650 cr loan fraud from Yes Bank & DHFL pay backNov 07, 2020,

[2] Delhi: Three take loan to build hospital, siphon off Rs 300 croreOct 18, 2021, ToI

[3] Delhi Police arrests 3 for siphoning off over Rs 300 crore loan from Yes BankOct 18, 2021, India Today

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