Major Gaurav Arya on the latest in LAC hotspots in Ladakh, Xi facing coup & Corona 2.0 in China

Major Gaurav Arya explains the latest on the LAC in Ladakh, China's adventurism in Pongong Tso, upping the infra in frontier airbases and the latest on Palace coup as Xi's China Head for Life could be shaky. The areas affected by Corona 2.0 that is sweeping China also revealed.


  1. He must be addressed as ‘Major Saab’.
    Before you conduct a session like this, you should collect some questions from the viewers too. I wanted to ask ‘Have the Chinese occuppied Indian land’. Major would say that they would leave, but that does not say that they did not intrude.
    Try to get a session with Abhit and Brahma Chellaney. All have differing view.


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