Dear Crown Prince MBS,
They were expecting you to drop in, drop a few billion USD BUT you didn’t! So, there’s “political instability” in India’s neighborhood (to the West). That should not have been a deterrent! You could’ve sent them money, by cheque!! Or Electronic Fund Transfer!! So, the former PM of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (IRP) is asking the sheep, err people, to arise and bring him back to power. He didn’t? He wants democracy back? Why complain about the army chief, if ALL Immi wanted was democracy! And, as Your Royal Highness knows, democracy never existed in that country!!
Anyways, it’s important to show the world that The Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia (KSA) stands with any, and every, regime that comes to power in that country, regardless of whether, or not, democracy exists! I mean, democracy is vastly overrated!! Your own country is NOT a democracy but you’re doing well, economically!! Well, it can be said that being a democratic country is NOT an indicator of economic well-being! However, you have to understand that India is a democratic country! You didn’t understand? Well, the IRP is ALWAYS competing with India, and thus has to call itself (and prove itself) a democracy!!
The sad thing is you invested over 100 billion USD in India, but couldn’t find it in you to invest even 1 billion PKR in the IRP (approximately 5 USD, by the time this article gets published)!! Granted, you’ve loaned them more money than most other countries but, that’s a loan, not an investment! Ok, so it has NO interest rates (except for the last loan) but that’s not generating jobs within the IRP!! In addition, you’ve stopped funding their world-class madrasas, or as they like to call them, the Pakistan Institute of Technology (PIT)!! How are they supposed to compete with the Indian Institute of Technology when their educational institutions are not funded? In addition, Dubai opening a Hindu Temple?? What exactly are all of you trying to prove? So, Indian people are educated? People in the IRP are also educated!! So what if that’s not the IIT? The students that graduate from, or fall into, the PIT, are equally good! So, the fields that they graduate from our armament and explosive engineering, but some would deem these necessary areas, given the current global situation! Okay, one could argue that this situation was created by the people FROM the IRP, but that’s neither here nor there!! So, the Indians bring their education and work towards the economical well-being of all the countries within the middle-east, as also the world! So do the people of the IRP!
How, you ask? Well, if the monies from the different countries are stuck in their own economies, that’s not going to benefit the global economy! On the other hand, when one loans money to the IRP (be it a country, the IMF, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, or any other entity), money is loaned earning interest! So what if the IRP needs a loan to pay the interest accrued on the initial loan? It still earns interest, and that’s all that should count!
Let me simplify this, Your Royal Highness. Let’s assume for a minute that the KSA loans the IRP 100 billion USD (I know, I know, you’re not crazy to loan them that amount but, as I said, let’s assume this for arguments’ sake). Of this, we know from past experience, that 0.5% of this will be invested in bettering the general population, 95% will be “invested” in bettering the life of the generals and 4.5% will be “invested” in bettering the life of the person in power. It stands to reason the generals and the person in power WILL NOT keep this money in a local bank! They will invest this money in real estate in the Middle East, England, the US of A, and Australia (name the country of your choice, apart from the IRP). This will increase the bank’s stock prices, which means the economies of those countries will grow! You will still get your loan back (in the next 300-400 years, hopefully)! It’s a win-win situation for all countries!!!
Now, onto more important things like where these investments, in the IRP, should goto. A majority of your investment, should you decide to do so, should go into building the infrastructure of organizations that will then become think tanks on HOW to develop the necessary infrastructure within the IRP. This brings immediate results as the people in those organizations will ALSO invest a majority of the allocated funds into real estate, businesses, or franchises, in different countries. As a result, I would recommend that 90% of your investment go there. Approximately, 5% of your investment should go into the PIT and the welfare of the student body. After all, these are students that are developing new armament and explosives for the world to marvel about! So, it might be used in countries like yours! Would you rather they use these in their own country? How will the world ever know how GOOD these newly developed technologies are if they’re not “exported”? The remaining 5% should go into feeding the general population (after all, we can not forget them) or the generals (can’t forget them, either).
We know, as I mentioned earlier, the last portion of the investment (feeding the generals) will always come back. Okay, so they’re over-fed and obese! They still need to maintain that physique!! How can one expect these generals to survive on 4-5 course meals, 4-5 times a day, and still perform their duties? It is important that this highly esteemed personnel maintain their physique to keep their people motivated and feeling safe! Otherwise, people like the former PM (recently removed) will point at them and create a revolution within the IRP!!
For the sake of the global economy and the well-being of the people around the world, I beseech Your Royal Highness, to invest at least 1 billion PKR in this country and ensure that at least one of them could afford a sandwich ONE day!!! Think about how thankful that one person will be! After all, that saint from India, Gandhi, had said “feed one person one meal and you have fed humanity”! He didn’t say that? Well, in my defence, he did say some very “interesting” things, but more of that in my next letter.
1. Text in Blue points to additional data on the topic.
2. The views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of PGurus.
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