My New Letter Series – Dear POTUS, Donald Trump, Welcome Back!!

Mr. President, the road ahead will be challenging, with many—especially Democrats—eager to see you fail

Mr. President, the road ahead will be challenging, with many—especially Democrats—eager to see you fail
Mr. President, the road ahead will be challenging, with many—especially Democrats—eager to see you fail

Dear Donald Trump,

While you were gone, a few things happened that were interesting (to put it mildly). One of them piqued my interest; bringing a few hundred (thousand) “displaced “ refugees (why call them Muslims and alienate them when they alienate themselves so well, without any assistance)! The previous government figured out the fact that they could gain popularity by bringing in people that had a diverse (some would argue that should be extreme) ideology!! Who defines extremes? I am not talking about defining people’s extremes but extreme beliefs! Some of these extreme thinking people argue that these beliefs come from their “holy book”! Like the Gita says “The end of unrighteousness is the beginning of a healthy world”! The unrighteous would be offended at being called unrighteous!! In their view, the righteous are the people who should be finished! Phew, my brain is hurting, thinking about all this righteous-unrighteous stuff so much, I definitely could use a double scotch!! Without ice and a drop of seltzer, please!! Thanks, Jimmy (that’s the name I have given my right hand. What’s the name I have given my other hand, you ask? Simple, the name is Lefty!!)

Now Donald, look at the people causing the most trouble in the US of A, and as a result, the world! Yep, you got that one right!! The Hindus!! What do they think of themselves, claiming they’re the oldest religion in the world! How can that even be possible? We all know human beings evolved from monkeys!! Speaking of monkeys, Shehbaz Sharif is keen on meeting you and so is his deputy, Ishaaq Dhar! Why would you deny them the opportunity to meet with you, and then go back home to their country and claim you are their biggest supporter? By not even meeting with them, you have essentially ended any chance of these two people getting their population motivated! Motivated for what, you ask? Good question, POTUS! They would head back to their country and claim you’re a big supporter, which COULD motivate the common person to head towards India and “help the Indian government reduce the population”, or head towards the US of A and work at the local 7-Eleven. In a few days, that person will have joined the Democratic Party, ensuring that (s)he has the political backing to stay in the country!! It doesn’t matter how (s)he gets to this country, Sir! Once in this beautiful country of ours, that person mingles with the rest of the people and becomes hard to trace.

But, getting back to my original point, Sir, the expectations of the Hindus need to be curbed! I mean, across the world! I had one person telling me that you becoming POTUS is really good for India! You’re not the PMOI, I tried to explain but the person was adamant that you are going to help India. Now, I know you have a soft corner for India, and Hindus in particular, but to mislead the 1.5 billion people in India is not fair! You need to address them, I know you’re not to blame Mr. President for their stupidity, and make it clear that YOU are the POTUS and not PMOI! The PMOI is, admittedly, a friend of yours but to automatically assume that this friendship will lead to decisions being made jointly, is fool-hardy!!

Mr President, you also need to address the issue of Bangladesh! Just because a few enthusiastic and misguided students decided to end their lives, okay they killed, a few (hundred) Hindus and Christians doesn’t make them bad people. Okay, so they burnt temples and churches, but they didn’t mean any harm! All they were doing was showing that their lives were more important than a few (hundred) Hindus and Christians. Who defines importance, in this case, you ask, Sir? Good question again! The local government defined it! They were NOT wrong, Sir! Bangladesh is an Islamic country and needs to have people following that particular religion. Yeah, I know, we could do the same thing, here in the US of A, and they wouldn’t like it ONE BIT, but (un)fortunately, we would have to deal with the Democrats and their tantrums! I can see Ilhan Omar reacting violently, accusing everyone in the Republican party of creating an unhealthy environment for the people of her community!!

It’s going to be a bumpy ride, Mr President, with people (read as Democrats) waiting for you to fail. I do know that you’re capable of handling them but I worry about Kamala’s mental health. Why? Well, for starters she’s sitting in her mansion in CA, signing imaginary orders to the different secretaries asking them to allow more (EVEN MORE) people into the US of A, imagining herself conversing with Former POTUS, Barack about what needs to be done to settle these (il)legal migrants and what cities to make sanctuary cities. Phew, that was a long sentence!! I also heard she’s calling her husband, Douglas Emhoff, Robert Downing (not to be mistaken for the actor, although he would probably be glad to get some work). For those unaware, Robert Downing was the chief usher who worked at the White House under Biden.

Speaking of Biden, he’s probably talking to the trees, and statues, and introducing himself to them as the POTUS! The Democratic Leadership is really in need of help! Could you sign an order to get them shipped to Pakistan? That way, Kamala WILL BE PMOP, Joe will definitely get a calm and peaceful environment, and PAKISTAN WILL ACTUALLY GET Joe to visit them (something they failed to do when he was the POTUS). Did you say, No? Oh, you don’t hate Joe and Kamala that much to subjugate them to that torture!! Ok, I understand!

Speaking of torture, did you get a chance to speak to my close friend, Immi? No way!! You did talk to him? I’m fairly sure you hung up halfway through (probably earlier) and I don’t blame you for that! I probably would be happier scratching my concrete walls than talking to him! I hear he’s going through some “psychological issues “ just like Kamala! But, he has been going through those issues for the past 2-3 years!

Mr President, like I said at the start, welcome back! You will probably be more relieved at Joe leaving, along with Kamala, than you are at being back at the helm of affairs! Neither I nor the rest of the American population can fault you for that!

1. Text in Blue points to additional data on the topic.
2. The views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of PGurus.

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Kumar Sridhar is a full time IT professional who is also a blogger,columnist and an avid sports fan! He lives with his family in New Jersey, USA.
Kumar Sridhar


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