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What the world said after India tested its ASAT

Coverage by international media on Mission Shakti

On Wednesday, March 27th 2019, India "registered its name as a space power" by shooting down a live satellite in space. Below are coverage’s from...
India changes tack in dealing with China

India Changes Tack in Dealing with China

China has always perceived India as a potential competitor and a threat Relations between India and China can best be described as tenuous, beset with...
Resurrecting India’s First Line of Defense for Narcotics

Punjab’s Drug War : Resurrecting India’s First Line of Defense for Narcotics…. Part 2

Part 1 of this series can be 'accessed ' here. This is Part 2. It has been one year since Capt. Singh lead Congress government...
India China Relations after Dokhlam

India China Relations after Dokhlam

For India, the Dokhlam standoff has ended on a high note, but the problem of “salami slicing” by the PLA elsewhere is an ever-present...
Why is the DMK afraid of Navodaya Vidyalayas?

DMK chalking out regressive plans for Tamil Nadu

The Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) has chalked out a dangerous blueprint for keeping the rural population in the State as eternal illiterates and in...

An interview with Lt Gen Narsimhan

“China is at a stage where it feels that the power differential between China and India is large”- Member NSAB The standoff between India and...
No third party intervention in Kashmir issue

India is gearing up with a “all China target” missile reveals top US report

India's nuclear strategy appears to place greater emphasis on China As India continues to modernise its atomic arsenal and the country's nuclear...
The security of border cannot be ignored for petty politics

Nation can’t pay for Mamata’s short sighted politics

The political class will have to understand that they can’t be allowed to undermine national security for selfish gains The communal riot in the Basirhat...
In this book Breaking India, the authors shine the spotlight on forces that continue to try and balkanize India that is Bharat.

India: Superpower or Balkanized War Zone?

This article is an excerpt (Pages  1 to 7) from the book Breaking India  by Rajiv Malhotra & Aravindan Neelakandan. Published by Amaryllis. Delhi....
JMB Militants killed in a raid

Nine JMB militants killed in Bangladeshi capital raid

In a Bangladeshi Capital raid 9 militants killed Nine suspected militants were killed as Bangladesh law enforcers on Tuesday conducted a raid on...


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